It is now only 7 weeks till i take off for NYE in New York, so freaken excited i cant wait! From there off to Vancouver (BC) to meet up with Alona and snowboard, drink beer and laugh till our stomachs hurt.
Then off to San Fran to start the road trip with no real adgenda... Well i know i'm going south along the coast and then back up to finish in Vegas but who knows what those two weeks will really be made up of?
I've had a few lil tattoos added also... Well one of them isn't that little...Here is a sneak peak of my newish jay Bird... It has a little friend on my side - they fly around together.

I'm sure there is a bunch of other stuff to report but thats for later.
Oh, wait i'm turning 30 in just over a week... rad, my dirty 30's are upon me.
and i won a bike...awesome.

and your chest and ink is yom!!

Awe...wish I was there with you. I'm really sad that I won't be showing you around LA this summber but we HAVE to figure something out...maybe I can make a trip