Been a while... what to say what to say,
Hey tomorrow is Wednesday, and if Odin be merciful, the stock of new DCnU comics will be as awesome as last weeks (tomorrow has Green Lanterns in it). Honestly Static Shock was the bottom of my stack and it was still better than most. One week down and 3 to go before the first week of cuts, and I"m having a hard time making decisions.
16 days til I get to see my princess, and I am excited, oh yes
Here have some Creep... I know it's not Radiohead but it is Amanda Palmer and a ukulele, two of my favorite things
Hey tomorrow is Wednesday, and if Odin be merciful, the stock of new DCnU comics will be as awesome as last weeks (tomorrow has Green Lanterns in it). Honestly Static Shock was the bottom of my stack and it was still better than most. One week down and 3 to go before the first week of cuts, and I"m having a hard time making decisions.
16 days til I get to see my princess, and I am excited, oh yes
Here have some Creep... I know it's not Radiohead but it is Amanda Palmer and a ukulele, two of my favorite things
She's my kind of creep.