Been a week already... alright real quick. This is the week that the DC universe came to an end, and was instantly rebooted. I was pleasantly surprised, I think the new direction that they are taking the Superman character in is interesting, the same with Batman and Green Lantern. I think the thing that I have seen about all the new characters that I like is that they are all different, they didn't just reboot to how they were ten years ago, the world they have lived in is different and the characters have responded in kind. Im looking forward to the next few months of comics.
I'm not fully sure about an entire new reboot (didn't that happen with Crisis as well? the Crisis on Infinite Earths maxi-series.) however, I am picking up three books (Suicide Squad, Firestorm, and I....Vampire). I'll see how they are. unfortunately, Secret Six did not make it through the entire "cut" process. oh well, such is life!
welcome to the dark side! you have joined the Army!