i know what will solve at least 3 problems. i'm going to get a part time job on top of my existing full time job. this way i won't have too much spare time to worry about my finances and i won't smoke as many cigarettes. i'm thinking about working at a co-op or around food so maybe that will get me to eat better.... Read More
i woke myself up laughing last night. it made jd giggle, cuz i woke him up too. i was flying through the air with a garbage bag, saying "doesn't everyone want to FLYYYYYYYY?" smack, i collided with a girl i don't like very much. it made me laugh outloud. and i woke up.
i totally feel 'tarded if i can't remember my dreams.
da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da Dadaism is hard (most likely impossible) to accomplish due to the fact that making something random will produce a pattern. Case in point--radio galaxies emit random frequencies that identify them as radio galaxies by their patterns. They supposedly can be distinguished from "intelligent" radio waves by the same "patterns". The universe is not so random, just that no one can count high enough.
All mums gamble. They all choose their own chances--either choose their own or give it to others to choose for them. Mine goes to the Palace every paycheck.
my credit card was denied for my suicide girls renewal, so now you know how botched my credit is. locals; i'll be seeing you around hopefully w/ the help of judas.
Well now, credit cards are denied daily for dumb ass things like card companies trying to protect your card from ID theft by blocking it occasionally (and at very inconvenient moments right when you are trying to buy the beautiful dinner table you've been saving up for). This blocking behavior is described as an effort to slow down fraud. Does it help? Who knows? But it sure is a hassle for the retailer and the now gruntled customer who thinks the retailer did it on purpose.
So you might not be back for a while? Then why am I writing in your journal? Killing time before bed! Will your spot here on SG go out like a switched off light bulb never to shine again? Another "who knows"!
Are not "tengo" some sort of asian animal spirits or forest gods? What would they need of money? Or are you saying you have some [of both] in your pockets?
What does "diachinotosis" mean? Sounds mild but annoying? Is it really a word?
It really did say "Tengo and cash" for a whole minute way back when...or did that get deleted/edited for editorial content, too?