the verdict is in - i am a lush.
i went to BP's to watch game six with michelle, a friend of mine from high school. and drank fishbowls, which are officially the best things ever. and got completely hammed. and drew my friend a picture of her very own stalker in her sketchbook - and then some annoying drunk guy at the bar refused to leave me alone until i showed him what i was drawing, which i refused to do. and i couldn't even pull my usual "go away, i'm engaged." routine, as i had gone out without the rings i usually wear to the bar. and michelle was absolutely NO help as she seemed to find the whole thing hilarious. damn that woman. but eventually i used my sneaky sneaky skills to slip away and we hid in a booth until he left.
then rode a bicycle clear across town while drunk. didn't fall over or anything! and my mother even let me. although only because, as she pointed out: "i don't really have a choice, you ARE an adult now." very very strange feeling that one. on the plus side i did have a lovely bike ride. and then cleaned things at michelle's house. and then went forth to another friend's and had a lurvely conversation with him about both of us being complete nutcases. it was rather cathartic. what i can remember of it at least.
i was still pretty out of it when walking home at 4:30 this morning. which was an adventure in itself - as i had never been to the apartment we were all at before and had no clue how to get home. so i just kind of picked a direction and walked that way until i hit something familiar. ah, the joys of small town living.
sometimes i amaze even myself.

i went to BP's to watch game six with michelle, a friend of mine from high school. and drank fishbowls, which are officially the best things ever. and got completely hammed. and drew my friend a picture of her very own stalker in her sketchbook - and then some annoying drunk guy at the bar refused to leave me alone until i showed him what i was drawing, which i refused to do. and i couldn't even pull my usual "go away, i'm engaged." routine, as i had gone out without the rings i usually wear to the bar. and michelle was absolutely NO help as she seemed to find the whole thing hilarious. damn that woman. but eventually i used my sneaky sneaky skills to slip away and we hid in a booth until he left.
then rode a bicycle clear across town while drunk. didn't fall over or anything! and my mother even let me. although only because, as she pointed out: "i don't really have a choice, you ARE an adult now." very very strange feeling that one. on the plus side i did have a lovely bike ride. and then cleaned things at michelle's house. and then went forth to another friend's and had a lurvely conversation with him about both of us being complete nutcases. it was rather cathartic. what i can remember of it at least.
i was still pretty out of it when walking home at 4:30 this morning. which was an adventure in itself - as i had never been to the apartment we were all at before and had no clue how to get home. so i just kind of picked a direction and walked that way until i hit something familiar. ah, the joys of small town living.

sometimes i amaze even myself.
[Edited on Jun 06, 2004 11:26PM]
I took Business Writing earlier this summer, and now I'm taking Intro to Speech Communication and Sociology of the Family.