ok, new rule. i need to not get up, eat crazy things for breakfast, and then go back to bed. i had the strangest dreams ever.
first i was at what seemed like a summer camp style thingy, there were log cabin- style buildings ever, and we (me and some person i can't remember) were trapped in one building (because there was a grizzly bear prowling around) but we needed to get to another building, because it had showers. and for some reason, i was running around in a towel and needed to shower, bear or no bear.
and then somehow the dream segues to where we're all some type of animal, and the grizzly can be placated by.... i can't remember what it was. some type of food. i think it may have been ice cream. and then he becomes docile for like half an hour. but no one listened to the warning of how it would only work for half an hour, so all of us anthropormorphized cuddly woodland creatures are sitting there watching a movie when it wears off and we all have to flee in fear, as the bear starts rampaging.
then somehow the dream transitions into part 3, which is a sort of rodent/small furry creature holocaust. has anyone ever read "Maus" the cartoon book about the holocaust? i think part of my dream sprang from reading that. anyways, it's in a school, only all the lockers are the apartments of the mice, guinea pigs etc.. and the only people that are human are the SS-style guys and me, and a few other people randomly wandering around. and lots of crap happens and then i'm arrested for telling some general-type guy that he's an idiot, and warning the mouse king and queen that he's going to blow up their apartment thinger.
he grabs hold of me and tries to cover my mouth but i can't breathe through my nose so i start suffocating, and then he realizes this and starts playing some sadistic little game, where he'll let me have just enough air that i don't pass out, but not enough to really breathe. he then proceeds to fireman carry me to this huge room that looks like a gym, which is dark, the only light coming from dirty windows. he stands me on a tall filing cabinet and i have to grab a window frame to hold myself up. there's another girl chained to the wall beside me. he then proceeds to begin
EATING AWAY AT MY LEG. i think it's supposed to be some sort of torture method. then suddenly, someone comes in and yells something, and the general looks and me and the girl chained to the wall next to me and says that the mice have escaped and we're all to go chase after them. except, by the look on his face, you know that he's just letting us all go, as once we get out in the night running, they'll never catch us again. he lets got of my legs and i fall for what seems like hours onto a matress on the floor. i can't run as my legs are all bloody and gashed, so he tells the girl who was chained beside me "Jane, load her into the wheelbarrow" and she does. and then i wake up.
on the plus side, i finally got to see kill bill last night! now i just have to go see volume 2, and people will finally stop shunning me.
first i was at what seemed like a summer camp style thingy, there were log cabin- style buildings ever, and we (me and some person i can't remember) were trapped in one building (because there was a grizzly bear prowling around) but we needed to get to another building, because it had showers. and for some reason, i was running around in a towel and needed to shower, bear or no bear.
and then somehow the dream segues to where we're all some type of animal, and the grizzly can be placated by.... i can't remember what it was. some type of food. i think it may have been ice cream. and then he becomes docile for like half an hour. but no one listened to the warning of how it would only work for half an hour, so all of us anthropormorphized cuddly woodland creatures are sitting there watching a movie when it wears off and we all have to flee in fear, as the bear starts rampaging.
then somehow the dream transitions into part 3, which is a sort of rodent/small furry creature holocaust. has anyone ever read "Maus" the cartoon book about the holocaust? i think part of my dream sprang from reading that. anyways, it's in a school, only all the lockers are the apartments of the mice, guinea pigs etc.. and the only people that are human are the SS-style guys and me, and a few other people randomly wandering around. and lots of crap happens and then i'm arrested for telling some general-type guy that he's an idiot, and warning the mouse king and queen that he's going to blow up their apartment thinger.
he grabs hold of me and tries to cover my mouth but i can't breathe through my nose so i start suffocating, and then he realizes this and starts playing some sadistic little game, where he'll let me have just enough air that i don't pass out, but not enough to really breathe. he then proceeds to fireman carry me to this huge room that looks like a gym, which is dark, the only light coming from dirty windows. he stands me on a tall filing cabinet and i have to grab a window frame to hold myself up. there's another girl chained to the wall beside me. he then proceeds to begin
EATING AWAY AT MY LEG. i think it's supposed to be some sort of torture method. then suddenly, someone comes in and yells something, and the general looks and me and the girl chained to the wall next to me and says that the mice have escaped and we're all to go chase after them. except, by the look on his face, you know that he's just letting us all go, as once we get out in the night running, they'll never catch us again. he lets got of my legs and i fall for what seems like hours onto a matress on the floor. i can't run as my legs are all bloody and gashed, so he tells the girl who was chained beside me "Jane, load her into the wheelbarrow" and she does. and then i wake up.

on the plus side, i finally got to see kill bill last night! now i just have to go see volume 2, and people will finally stop shunning me.

You up this late too girl?