went shopping at the soul-sucking mall today.
am torn between feeling guilty for being such a vacuous consumer whore, and wanting to giggle like a 13 year old because i got cute jeans... and because the last time i actually had money for a real shopping trip was proabably about a year and a half ago.
hung out and rin and rose's house, watched roman holiday. i was under the impression audrey hepburn movies were supposed to have FUCKING HAPPY ENDINGS!! i was not impressed.
and then rose got really really upset at us for laughing at her for being a ditz. something to do with thinking people committed suicide in ovens like something out of hansel and gretel.
it wasn't even that funny, but i couldn't stop, i was practically hysterical. i think it was because i was so sad from the stupid audrey hepburn movie that i had to either laugh or start bawling. and i do not enjoy crying in public. and we had no idea how upset she was getting. until she locked herself in her bedroom crying. apparently we were tapping into some deep seated feelings of being called stupid as a child. which seems odd to me, as rosita is one of the most intelligent people i know. but what can you do.
so i came home instead of staying over there to go jogging with rose in the am. seeing as how she doesen't seem to want to talk to me ever again.
this is how i feel:
so yeah. not a pleasant end to the day. and now i feel like shit. and i still haven't finished the english paper that was due this morning.
fuck you too world, fuck you too
went shopping at the soul-sucking mall today.
am torn between feeling guilty for being such a vacuous consumer whore, and wanting to giggle like a 13 year old because i got cute jeans... and because the last time i actually had money for a real shopping trip was proabably about a year and a half ago.
hung out and rin and rose's house, watched roman holiday. i was under the impression audrey hepburn movies were supposed to have FUCKING HAPPY ENDINGS!! i was not impressed.
and then rose got really really upset at us for laughing at her for being a ditz. something to do with thinking people committed suicide in ovens like something out of hansel and gretel.
it wasn't even that funny, but i couldn't stop, i was practically hysterical. i think it was because i was so sad from the stupid audrey hepburn movie that i had to either laugh or start bawling. and i do not enjoy crying in public. and we had no idea how upset she was getting. until she locked herself in her bedroom crying. apparently we were tapping into some deep seated feelings of being called stupid as a child. which seems odd to me, as rosita is one of the most intelligent people i know. but what can you do.
so i came home instead of staying over there to go jogging with rose in the am. seeing as how she doesen't seem to want to talk to me ever again.
this is how i feel:

so yeah. not a pleasant end to the day. and now i feel like shit. and i still haven't finished the english paper that was due this morning.
fuck you too world, fuck you too
also, don't feel bad cordy. she won't speak to me either and i live with her...i would have come jogging with you if the cold air didn't burn my lungs so badly. i hope she calms down enough in the next day or two so i can tell her that we really didn't mean to upset her. i think it's silly that she was angry, because she is so smart. but it's the same way she doesn't often think she's pretty, and the girl is fucking gorgeous.
i was just going from examples we got in class... that's a good question though. i would assume that yes, they would become slackers. i don't think it has to do so much with the nature of the ants or the whatever, but the dynamics of the system.