well, crap. my yearly membership actually expired on the 20th of march, but because it's an automatic renewal, it tried to automatically renew, but couldn't as my credit card was expired, but even after i just cancelled it, it still shows the outstanding balance and tells me i need to enter a new form of payment. blargens. so i guess i'm not going anywhere for a while. fluffernutters.
greetings and salutations,
well, my membership is about to expire, and as much as i love this site, the only thing i seem to use it for is blogging., and reading everyone else's blog.
seeing as how i can do the first over at lj, and i can do the second without actually paying 50 clams for another year's membership, this is likely adieu from the cirdt-front.
i want to make some lame pop-culture reference, but all i can think of is: "so long, and thanks for all the naked ladies." - which is neither very funny, nor very original.
my narcissistic musings will continue over at my livejournal page for anyone who wants to keep current.
well, crap. my yearly membership actually expired on the 20th of march, but because it's an automatic renewal, it tried to automatically renew, but couldn't as my credit card was expired, but even after i just cancelled it, it still shows the outstanding balance and tells me i need to enter a new form of payment. blargens. so i guess i'm not going anywhere for a while. fluffernutters.
greetings and salutations,
well, my membership is about to expire, and as much as i love this site, the only thing i seem to use it for is blogging., and reading everyone else's blog.
seeing as how i can do the first over at lj, and i can do the second without actually paying 50 clams for another year's membership, this is likely adieu from the cirdt-front.
i want to make some lame pop-culture reference, but all i can think of is: "so long, and thanks for all the naked ladies." - which is neither very funny, nor very original.
my narcissistic musings will continue over at my livejournal page for anyone who wants to keep current.
I have a bus ticket, and a bottle of gin.
That equals only one thing: Date
p.s. Don't dress pretty, your not like that.