You know what I wish? I wish that the people who make Omega-3 fish oil capsules would put a warning on the bottle:
"WARNING: If you take these, every time you burp for the next 4 hours, it will taste like sushi."
Not that I mind sushi, but it really doesn't mix well with peanut butter, which is what I was eating.
So my first weekend of unemmployment went swimmingly. I read 2 1/2 novels, played far too much WoW, and watched Quark dress up like a woman on DS-9. A veritable orgy of geekery.
Of course, I didn't:
a) Do anything to further my search for a new job. I'm still crossing my fingers that the library calls me in for an interview! Let me shelve your books! Books are so much cooler than people!
b) Make even the slightest effort to write my History paper. Although, one of the books I read was an Arthurian fantasy, so that's kind of like writing a Scottish History paper? Yes? Oh, come on, it mentioned Picts once or twice!
Now I'm off to class, and then to Steeps for writing of the aforementioned paper without the siren song of teh intarwebs calling me.
You know what I wish? I wish that the people who make Omega-3 fish oil capsules would put a warning on the bottle:
"WARNING: If you take these, every time you burp for the next 4 hours, it will taste like sushi."
Not that I mind sushi, but it really doesn't mix well with peanut butter, which is what I was eating.
So my first weekend of unemmployment went swimmingly. I read 2 1/2 novels, played far too much WoW, and watched Quark dress up like a woman on DS-9. A veritable orgy of geekery.
Of course, I didn't:
a) Do anything to further my search for a new job. I'm still crossing my fingers that the library calls me in for an interview! Let me shelve your books! Books are so much cooler than people!
b) Make even the slightest effort to write my History paper. Although, one of the books I read was an Arthurian fantasy, so that's kind of like writing a Scottish History paper? Yes? Oh, come on, it mentioned Picts once or twice!
Now I'm off to class, and then to Steeps for writing of the aforementioned paper without the siren song of teh intarwebs calling me.
if not I have a blood elf who needs to get his quest on
also, i just woke up from a dream where i was telling you i got some awesome old-lady penny loafers and you were freaking out and then i was trying to say NO getting things that are bigger is good then i used m of stuff from when we were 15 to convince you, like 'but you got that shirt from me and now you fit it! isn't that good?' and you said 'YEAH I only went back there because mike told me it was good' meaning that we had already exchanged xmas gifts and you were mad at me until someone else told you i had a shirt that was too big that you could have. haha! oh, dreams!