Greetings, webbernet friends.
This week has been a rollercoaster ride of suck.
Between my "part-time" job slowly edging into "full-time" with a 32 hour work week, and my Ecological Anthropology class completely overwhelming me with group projects and readings, I have been a world-class crankypants.
Now, I've ended up deciding to drop the Anthro class and just take a course overload my first semester of next year. This will be facilitated by me finally throwing in the towel and getting a student loan, so that I don't have to work 32 hour weeks next year. Unfortunately I missed the add/drop deadline at school, so I only get half of my tuition for the class back, but I'm counting on not having the Mumser realize that until this summer, when I'll be able to pay her back for the $250.00 or so that I'm out.
On a brighter note; I get to see my parental unit this weekend. The Dadser is coming to pick me up tomorrow night after work to take me home for free food and drink! I am looking forward to it, particularly because my last surviving grandparent just had another stroke, and is finally going into a nursing home, and I still haven't been filled in on exactly what's happening with that situation, so hopefully I can find out what the heck is going on there.
I don't know when I started adding "-ser" or "-ster" to all my proper nouns, and even some of the improper ones, but I can't seem to stop it.
Also, I have apparently made my peace with proper capitalization and punctuation. This is what happens when you have to give presentations about "The Evolution of Language on the Internet" for your Linguistic Anthropology class.
This week has been a rollercoaster ride of suck.
Between my "part-time" job slowly edging into "full-time" with a 32 hour work week, and my Ecological Anthropology class completely overwhelming me with group projects and readings, I have been a world-class crankypants.
Now, I've ended up deciding to drop the Anthro class and just take a course overload my first semester of next year. This will be facilitated by me finally throwing in the towel and getting a student loan, so that I don't have to work 32 hour weeks next year. Unfortunately I missed the add/drop deadline at school, so I only get half of my tuition for the class back, but I'm counting on not having the Mumser realize that until this summer, when I'll be able to pay her back for the $250.00 or so that I'm out.
On a brighter note; I get to see my parental unit this weekend. The Dadser is coming to pick me up tomorrow night after work to take me home for free food and drink! I am looking forward to it, particularly because my last surviving grandparent just had another stroke, and is finally going into a nursing home, and I still haven't been filled in on exactly what's happening with that situation, so hopefully I can find out what the heck is going on there.
I don't know when I started adding "-ser" or "-ster" to all my proper nouns, and even some of the improper ones, but I can't seem to stop it.
Also, I have apparently made my peace with proper capitalization and punctuation. This is what happens when you have to give presentations about "The Evolution of Language on the Internet" for your Linguistic Anthropology class.
I hope the food and drink visit goes well.