Today on my reading list: 30-50 page peer reviewed journal articles!!
"Religion's evolutionary landscape:Counterintuition, commitment,compassion, communion"
"The role of the extrapersonal brain systems in religious activity"
"Ritual, Emotion, and Sacred Symbols: The Evolution of Religion as an Adaptive Complex"
"Toward an Evolutionary Psychology of Religion and Personality"
...and then trying to synthesize all that info into a coherent 5 page research paper.
What the hell? When did I start taking classes advanced enough that they expect you to be conversant in the field you're studying?
In other news:
-I start yoga class on Wednesday
-i rearranged my room at 1 in the morning a few days ago, and now the pictures on my wall actually have matting, and a sort of coherence to their arrangement
-i'm in a seriously good mood. things are looking up. apart from the research paper issue.
-i really want a pet. other than my fish. which are adorable, but a little lacking in the cuddly dept. and the only other kind of pet i can have in dorms is a bird, but the one roomate i don't like claims she's allergic. now, going and buying one anyways would be kind of bitchy, but if i claim my parents just SUPRISED me with one for christmas.... i know that sounds evil and passive aggressive, but i'm getting seriously fed up with that girl. her boyfriend has been here for almost 2 weeks. (he lives in calgary) the rest of us don't even know why he's here, or how long he's staying. i think if we have to put up with a 6'5" man wandering around at all hours and invading our ONE bathroom when we need to take showers before class, she can damn well put up with a tiny bird that would never leave my room. grr.
i really don't want to write my paper.
"Religion's evolutionary landscape:Counterintuition, commitment,compassion, communion"
"The role of the extrapersonal brain systems in religious activity"
"Ritual, Emotion, and Sacred Symbols: The Evolution of Religion as an Adaptive Complex"
"Toward an Evolutionary Psychology of Religion and Personality"
...and then trying to synthesize all that info into a coherent 5 page research paper.
What the hell? When did I start taking classes advanced enough that they expect you to be conversant in the field you're studying?
In other news:
-I start yoga class on Wednesday

-i rearranged my room at 1 in the morning a few days ago, and now the pictures on my wall actually have matting, and a sort of coherence to their arrangement
-i'm in a seriously good mood. things are looking up. apart from the research paper issue.
-i really want a pet. other than my fish. which are adorable, but a little lacking in the cuddly dept. and the only other kind of pet i can have in dorms is a bird, but the one roomate i don't like claims she's allergic. now, going and buying one anyways would be kind of bitchy, but if i claim my parents just SUPRISED me with one for christmas.... i know that sounds evil and passive aggressive, but i'm getting seriously fed up with that girl. her boyfriend has been here for almost 2 weeks. (he lives in calgary) the rest of us don't even know why he's here, or how long he's staying. i think if we have to put up with a 6'5" man wandering around at all hours and invading our ONE bathroom when we need to take showers before class, she can damn well put up with a tiny bird that would never leave my room. grr.
i really don't want to write my paper.
haha, i like the 6'5 bird idea.