today i ate mini-dougnuts at the fringe. i haven't had that much sugar all in one go in ages - i was riding the high for a good hour.
i also found out that even with my crap final exam mark, i pulled off an A- in my summer course. go go gadget superswesomesmartypantspower!
i also dug out my typewriter and glue and scissors and have been writing letters and making postcards. if anyone wants one, send me your address. and by anyone, i mean people i like, not creepy stalker dudes, thank you.
god, i sound like a twelve year old in my posts lately..
i also found out that even with my crap final exam mark, i pulled off an A- in my summer course. go go gadget superswesomesmartypantspower!
i also dug out my typewriter and glue and scissors and have been writing letters and making postcards. if anyone wants one, send me your address. and by anyone, i mean people i like, not creepy stalker dudes, thank you.
god, i sound like a twelve year old in my posts lately..
Congrats on the A-