walking, lots and lots of walking.
lesson learned? skate shoes are horrible for long distances of anything, but being on a skateboard haha.
been a few weeks since i have posted anything. less than 10 days left until i have my driving privileges reinstated. so no more relying on friends to drive me around, etc etc. i cant fucking wait, seeing as how when you have to rely on other people to get back and forth, you really do not get any alone time. that is, unless you do a lot of walking. (or skateboarding, in my case as well) but for once, it has really changed my outlook by an amazing amount. i am usually a very rushed person, always running from one project, or place, to the next. when you cant get yourself around very easily without help, that become almost impossible. and having some not so reliable friends, or the fact that they all have their own lives to tend to, makes for some interesting situations. so more or less by force, i have had to calm down, chill out, what have you. because to get worked up by it, or pissed off, is an exercise in futility. yes, it was extremely frustrating for the first week. but i started to realize, that its completely out of my control, and all i can do is deal with it. and its still not easy some days. will my outlook stay this way once i can get myself around again? hard to say i guess, but i am hoping a little of it sticks around. i am starting to get used to not being so rushed all the time..
in other news. the car is still coming along. time frame has been pushed back though by a week or so now. to make a long story short, i gave up my turbo to a customer, and his project. see, i have been working on mine, and helping out at the shop the car is at, Further Performance. about the same time my car came back from paint, he had brought his 2008 R32 in for roughly the same kit i am doing on mine. so while waiting on various parts etc, i had been helping out with, and documenting the build of his car. well, low and behold, the turbo for his car had a bad center section, and was leaking coolant into the head. at first, we thought that it could be the head gasket, which almost had me tearing the head off of mine just to be sure i would not have the same issue. but it turned out to be the turbo, to which he would be possibly waiting for up to 8 weeks for, if it needed a new one? or at least a week to 10 days for them to go through it, and repair and rebuild it. that's where the shop owner asked me if i could really help him out. this is the first C2motorsports kit they have done, kind of "maiden voyage" of the shops new status as a major dealer for C2 products. so between Tristan, Chris@C2, and myself, we struck a little bit of a deal. my turbo, which i had already powder and jet-hot coated, and more or less worked up for my project, went onto that car. problem for that car solved, and down the road. and now i sit, waiting on the status of that turbo, and what it will take to get it back to me. so i can once again tear it down, re-coat it to match the rest of the parts again. in turn,i also get a couple goodies that i hadn't gotten for my project. so all will be worked out, and the only real major issue will be that i more than likely wont be in Vegas the first weekend in June now. unless i win the lotto, i wont have enough time to get the miles on the car i want to, before a trip like that...
and one of these days i will have to get a photo of the newest ink. had another 2 or so hours of work a few weeks ago....
and a few pics of the project..

lesson learned? skate shoes are horrible for long distances of anything, but being on a skateboard haha.
been a few weeks since i have posted anything. less than 10 days left until i have my driving privileges reinstated. so no more relying on friends to drive me around, etc etc. i cant fucking wait, seeing as how when you have to rely on other people to get back and forth, you really do not get any alone time. that is, unless you do a lot of walking. (or skateboarding, in my case as well) but for once, it has really changed my outlook by an amazing amount. i am usually a very rushed person, always running from one project, or place, to the next. when you cant get yourself around very easily without help, that become almost impossible. and having some not so reliable friends, or the fact that they all have their own lives to tend to, makes for some interesting situations. so more or less by force, i have had to calm down, chill out, what have you. because to get worked up by it, or pissed off, is an exercise in futility. yes, it was extremely frustrating for the first week. but i started to realize, that its completely out of my control, and all i can do is deal with it. and its still not easy some days. will my outlook stay this way once i can get myself around again? hard to say i guess, but i am hoping a little of it sticks around. i am starting to get used to not being so rushed all the time..
in other news. the car is still coming along. time frame has been pushed back though by a week or so now. to make a long story short, i gave up my turbo to a customer, and his project. see, i have been working on mine, and helping out at the shop the car is at, Further Performance. about the same time my car came back from paint, he had brought his 2008 R32 in for roughly the same kit i am doing on mine. so while waiting on various parts etc, i had been helping out with, and documenting the build of his car. well, low and behold, the turbo for his car had a bad center section, and was leaking coolant into the head. at first, we thought that it could be the head gasket, which almost had me tearing the head off of mine just to be sure i would not have the same issue. but it turned out to be the turbo, to which he would be possibly waiting for up to 8 weeks for, if it needed a new one? or at least a week to 10 days for them to go through it, and repair and rebuild it. that's where the shop owner asked me if i could really help him out. this is the first C2motorsports kit they have done, kind of "maiden voyage" of the shops new status as a major dealer for C2 products. so between Tristan, Chris@C2, and myself, we struck a little bit of a deal. my turbo, which i had already powder and jet-hot coated, and more or less worked up for my project, went onto that car. problem for that car solved, and down the road. and now i sit, waiting on the status of that turbo, and what it will take to get it back to me. so i can once again tear it down, re-coat it to match the rest of the parts again. in turn,i also get a couple goodies that i hadn't gotten for my project. so all will be worked out, and the only real major issue will be that i more than likely wont be in Vegas the first weekend in June now. unless i win the lotto, i wont have enough time to get the miles on the car i want to, before a trip like that...
and one of these days i will have to get a photo of the newest ink. had another 2 or so hours of work a few weeks ago....
and a few pics of the project..