Fuck! what a killer day. Got woken up a little earlier than usual by my freind john, with plans for nothing really just to get out of the house....
So we begin driving, and heading in the direction of hollywood. cool beans. So we end up at guitar center where we stared at gear we couldnt afford and toyed around on thier neat synthesizers. doesnt...
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OK good news, I just bought a big ass van so i can haul my bands gear all about the town. So hopefully shows will be more frequent.
But this sucked, im out gettin some dinner at "the bell", order myself a nice pepsi, i never drink caffine so this is a real treat, so i pull out of the parking lot and my pepsi...
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I want to start a Grindcore band called "The 24 Hour Blast-Beat Network"

who's with me?

dude, that's not enough blast beats.
OK something wierd and cool just happened....

Just sittin here online, mindin my own buisiness and all that and some girl IMs me, just sayin hi cuz shes all bored and what not, so we end up talkin for a bit and its really cool, even exchange pics and she says i look "wicked". sweet. Then from out of the blue, in the middle of...
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fuck im so sick right now, crazy sore throat and stuffed up nose, cant sleep at all. this sucks.
on a positiveive note, Ive developed an addiction for the aquateens. why? cuz meatwad gets the honeys see? biggrin

but hey i'll prbably be on AIM alot while im sick, so feel free to drop a line and say hey AIM: Atrax9

Tonight was "Los Grindcore spectacularrrr" well thats what i was calling it anyways, more blast-beats than you can shake a stick at, with uphill battle, phobia and exhumed. Good times were had by all. And this was funny, I even almost got into a fight, haha! man, i havent gotten into a fight since i was 14, way to go kid. But i didnt let...
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Why hello there, funny meeting you here....

OK, yesterday (my b-day) was fun, drove out to hollywierd and did a number at ameoba. I didnt need that $100 anyways smile Good times I say. One day I will live in hollywood, I swear. Then I drove home in tons of traffic and chilled with some freinds. Here's the only part that pisses me off, yesterday it...
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You're welcome hon.

It is my main mission in life to make all hypnotized by my whirly profile pic.

loveooo aaa
Wooooo! its my b-day and of course nuthin planned. More than likely i'll go to ameoba rip through an insane amount of cash. Maybe then go out somewhere and turn into a walking pile of drug and alcohol abuse. Care to join me?

happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday!

loveooo aaa
ok, its my B-day in a week and i expect the following on my doorstep next tuesday........

1. An arsenal of giant sleazy analog synthesizers
2. A pet Chupacabra
3. My own personal squadron of Flying Saucers for me and my freinds to cruze around in
4. A towel

i think that should suffice, now get to work!

OK i had a wierd dream last night, so im gonna share.......

ok, so i was at one of those big ozzfest concerts waiting for Slipknot to start playing (keep in mind im not that big of a Slipknot fan, i mean, they're pretty cool but thats it), and i meet up with my freind Jenna Jameson (heh!) so we say whats up and all...
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