ok i get all thse dumb survey things on myspace. i usually ignore them because they annoy me, but i decided to take one of em and post it here for the hell of it. enjoy


Name: Jay
Birthdate: 04:27:1979
Birthplace: Simi Valley
Current location: Simi Valley
Eyes: hazel
Hair: Dark Brown
Height: 6'2
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Taurus


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My computer is falling apart agian, godamn it i just need a new one. Soon.......very soon i'll be going the way of the laptop, and i can't wait. Just one more paycheck and i'll have enough.

On a positive note, i just bought a real awesome digital camera! This thing is coming everywhere with me. That would explain the new profile pic (neat eh?) and...
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Nice tats man..............
i am a nurse with wound fan... so my world is completely surreal! i like the curly drawing on your journal because i'm also a big fan of bullseyes/spirals/concentric circles.
Best. Weekend. Ever.

we've got alot to cover here so get comfy


me and my best freind John got tix to Skinny Puppy, both of our fav bands, esp john who has thier logo tatooed on his ankle.

and after a few very forgetable openers SP takes the stage, and yeah i know what your saying "the new album sucks!!!" and your right, it...
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Thank you!

You saw Skinny Puppy?!?! Damnit man I have been wanting to see them forever. Nice to hear they are still using the fake blood though. Cheers!
robot i suck at html, please move on smile
I decided to make a webpage to put all the pictures i take at shows. Hope you enjoy, more soon.

Show Photos

Fuck, what a day.......
So i'll start off by saying that the singer of my band found something neat that you may or may not have heard of, It seems that Ozzfest is having open call auditions for unsigned bands to play a slot on Ozzfest 2005. pretty cool. So we have to be there by 9AM. ok great.
Im NOT a morning person at...
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Hi there, if at all possible, can you please release the following on DVD:

Godzilla vs Gigan
Godzilla vs Monster Zero
Godzilla vs The Smog Monster
This Island Earth

thank you and have a nice day
fuck yeah, so im pretty sure that my computer crashed earlier today. too long to explain, but the thing is done for. So just lettin ya know if you send me an email or something similar. there is a possiblility that i wont get it for awhile.
So hopefully soon i will get it fixed or possibly just a totally new copmuter, that would be...
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