My life is so incredible right now. Everything, I'm having so much fun, I'm reconnecting with old friends, meeting new friends, having some really good sex, and I'm about to move into a new place with two really fucking cool ass roommates.
And to top this all off, my partner is coming back from Palestine (in one piece) on Sunday. I get to give her the cute lingerie I bought her. And we get to try it out. Yay!
I swear to God, my happiness is inversely proportional to the DOW Jones Industrial Average. Stock market goes up, I'm miserable. Stock market plummets, my life is heaven. Weird, but true. Here's to an economic recession and a personal bull market!
And I've decided that I want to start bantamweight boxing. It'll be a good way to get in shape, and I've been told I'm a really fast boxer. If I can get in shape and learn Spanish, I'll be set.
I was thinking of going out there for the Olive Harvest, but its bad timing... Unfortunately, its easy to say that there will be other opportunitities.