Oh, my, where to begin. Y'know the beautiful, beautiful lesbian I had a major crush on? Well, she's moving to Pennsylvania for a while. I'm a little sad, but she'll be back. The whole situation is full of weirdness, though, so this'll give me some time to reflect.
My partner/lover/girlfriend/etc. is coming back from Palestine! Woohoo! Gonna be some fun times.
I quite my job as a pizza delivery driver, and got another one as a pizza delivery driver. This time at a place that has much better pizza.
I'm busy as hell with a ton of different projects. DC was absolutely insane, but I can't really talk about it. Needless to say, the National Alliance is growing, and we really need to stop these boneheads before they get out of control.
The IMF/WB protests in DC are coming up. Should be fun, fun times. http://www.abolishthebank.org
My partner/lover/girlfriend/etc. is coming back from Palestine! Woohoo! Gonna be some fun times.
I quite my job as a pizza delivery driver, and got another one as a pizza delivery driver. This time at a place that has much better pizza.
I'm busy as hell with a ton of different projects. DC was absolutely insane, but I can't really talk about it. Needless to say, the National Alliance is growing, and we really need to stop these boneheads before they get out of control.
The IMF/WB protests in DC are coming up. Should be fun, fun times. http://www.abolishthebank.org