So I had a moment to talk to the girlfriend last night. It's very easy to accuse someone of being unfaithful when they're distant physically and emotionally. I think with what I said last night, really struck a cord. She has some emotional issues that she needs to work on especially when in a serious relationship( I wont go into how those issues originated because it's personal). What freaked her out and made her distant was all the future plans we were making. It's not the first time she's done this when in a relationship. After hours of talking I've decided to give her another chance. She just needs to include me in her life more or it's not going to work out. I think everybody deserves a second chance though. Plus she's coming to see me and go to the consert afterall.
Here are a couple of pictures of my girlfriend Krista
Here are a couple of pictures of my girlfriend Krista
Dont you love when family is like that, I love m,y family, but when it comes to something like that, its best not to say anything because it just makes things worse. I have one pic of hubby up up in one of my folders, he os older than me and completely grey now, but he is still really young looking and sexy as hell, although he doesnt believe me...