And I Have Kissed Life Right on the Lips:
So, I'm sure you're all wondering why I've called you here today...
Thursday: Did something that was quite possibly supremely stupid. That remains to be seen.
Friday: Killed time in myriad ways until it was time to rock out. Three popular local acts in a Halloween show at the Varsity last night. The Deaths, who must be highly overrated generally, dressed as and proceeded to cover two Spinal Tap songs ("Big Bottom" & "Stonehenge")-the rest of their set sucked.
Revolver Modele opened with Bauhaus' "Bela Lugosi's Dead," and while it was well executed, it was such a poor decision that it took 4-5 songs for me to get over it an enjoy them (also hard to get over how badly the lead singer wants to be Ian Curtis...Jesus). But I got over it, danced my ass off.
And finally, Faux Jean, what must be one of the greatest secrets in American music. And, as always, they blew me away (& the new material? freakin' awesome). New album soon!!!
Also, best costume kudos to the guy in a giant, dark brown cloak & stilts, doing the best Death I've ever seen, and still managing to dance through Faux Jean's set.
Today: Liable to be boring. Everyone's got their Halloween party to attend but me, it seems...and I'm broke. Suppose I'll read, take a walk.
I saw the sky in you, what do you see in me?
So, I'm sure you're all wondering why I've called you here today...
Thursday: Did something that was quite possibly supremely stupid. That remains to be seen.
Friday: Killed time in myriad ways until it was time to rock out. Three popular local acts in a Halloween show at the Varsity last night. The Deaths, who must be highly overrated generally, dressed as and proceeded to cover two Spinal Tap songs ("Big Bottom" & "Stonehenge")-the rest of their set sucked.
Revolver Modele opened with Bauhaus' "Bela Lugosi's Dead," and while it was well executed, it was such a poor decision that it took 4-5 songs for me to get over it an enjoy them (also hard to get over how badly the lead singer wants to be Ian Curtis...Jesus). But I got over it, danced my ass off.
And finally, Faux Jean, what must be one of the greatest secrets in American music. And, as always, they blew me away (& the new material? freakin' awesome). New album soon!!!
Also, best costume kudos to the guy in a giant, dark brown cloak & stilts, doing the best Death I've ever seen, and still managing to dance through Faux Jean's set.
Today: Liable to be boring. Everyone's got their Halloween party to attend but me, it seems...and I'm broke. Suppose I'll read, take a walk.
I saw the sky in you, what do you see in me?
The picture is the same one that is posted in my journal.

i'm stepping away from tentative contact and making the bold move toward internet friend, dude.