Feeling better....
I went to a show on Sunday night....The Atomic Punks and Way Cool Jr. They are 80's cover bands and they ROCKED! That was the most fun I have had in aaaaaaaaaaages.Seriously!
On Saturday I checked the mail.....I got a card from Polly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so sweet and had a sticker in it. My first mail from an SG'er! I love you Polly!
Carry on...
Edited to say that actually Jynee sent me a Christmas card and I forgot, so that makes her the first....
I went to a show on Sunday night....The Atomic Punks and Way Cool Jr. They are 80's cover bands and they ROCKED! That was the most fun I have had in aaaaaaaaaaages.Seriously!
On Saturday I checked the mail.....I got a card from Polly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so sweet and had a sticker in it. My first mail from an SG'er! I love you Polly!

Carry on...

Edited to say that actually Jynee sent me a Christmas card and I forgot, so that makes her the first....

we only had two days sweetie...hopefully next time we go down there we will have more time, hell, amybe one of these days we will even get farther down your way, I havent been out to the San Diego area since I was a kid!

I would love a hug from you.....