Well, nearly two weeks and over 90 comments later, I felt that it was high time I updated
. Thank you all for the sweet comments about my pups, and for wishing Sir. Carlton a happy 1st birthday.
Things have been going really well lately. Loving my job (what else is new
); the pups are doing great (both quite healthy, Mr. Sushi just has to go in for one last round of puppy shots); and the weather has been beautiful (aside from that one/two day rainstorm--if you could even call it that, lol).
Can you believe that the Celtics are doing so well? I mean, first the Sox, then the Patriots, and now this. Beantown must be going crazy right about now. Although all I can say is go Kings! Hell yeah!
I've been looking for a new apt. to move in to by the end of May, and let me tell you it's harder than it may seem. It's not until you actually start looking at places that you realize what exactly it is that you want (and alas, at least for me) can't seem to find it. Ahh well. I have a number of places to look at tomorrow, so hopefully by tomorrow evening I will have a new place to live *fingers crossed*.
This past weekend was awesome. My friend had an art opening, and it went really well. There was tons of wine and a live band (always a good thing). A lot of people showed up, so I think my my friend is really happy with how it turned out. I also saw Finding Neverland, which was incredible. If you have not seen it, you need to. Johnny Depp is a fantastic actor, and Kate Winslet, man is she hot, or what?!
She is also a phenomenal actress (at least in my humble opinion
Well, I guess that I will stop rambling now. Hope everything is going well with all of you!
1. What is your dream car, and why?
2. Pepsi or Coke?
3. Who shot J.R.? (Yes, I am watching Soap Net as I type this)
P.S. Who else is psyched for the Family Guy premiere next Sunday? Can we say party at my place? Yes we can

Things have been going really well lately. Loving my job (what else is new

Can you believe that the Celtics are doing so well? I mean, first the Sox, then the Patriots, and now this. Beantown must be going crazy right about now. Although all I can say is go Kings! Hell yeah!
I've been looking for a new apt. to move in to by the end of May, and let me tell you it's harder than it may seem. It's not until you actually start looking at places that you realize what exactly it is that you want (and alas, at least for me) can't seem to find it. Ahh well. I have a number of places to look at tomorrow, so hopefully by tomorrow evening I will have a new place to live *fingers crossed*.
This past weekend was awesome. My friend had an art opening, and it went really well. There was tons of wine and a live band (always a good thing). A lot of people showed up, so I think my my friend is really happy with how it turned out. I also saw Finding Neverland, which was incredible. If you have not seen it, you need to. Johnny Depp is a fantastic actor, and Kate Winslet, man is she hot, or what?!

Well, I guess that I will stop rambling now. Hope everything is going well with all of you!

1. What is your dream car, and why?
2. Pepsi or Coke?
3. Who shot J.R.? (Yes, I am watching Soap Net as I type this)

P.S. Who else is psyched for the Family Guy premiere next Sunday? Can we say party at my place? Yes we can

hey hots stuff whats up with you these days? when are u going to update. maybe a little one. well i hope your doing well today. ttyl bye

Yeah... it was a pretty sweet trip!!!