Okay, okay, okay...I'm finally updating.
This week has been really cool cause I only had to work at the Apple store on Monday. Since I had some free time on my hands, I got to work on a number of side projects and got some much needed editing out of the way which was really nice.
Last night was crazy. My friend (whom I haven't seen in forever) came out to party cause he was on spring break. After playing a round or two of squash, we met up with some beautiful ladies and went to a coffee bar where we listened to this local band play. I always like to support local musicians etc. Then we party hopped, and drank...A LOT. It was great fun. Of course, I woke up today with a splitting headache, but it was well worth it.
Sir. Carlton is going to be neutered next week. He also needs to get some teeth pulled because for some reason when his grown up teeth started to come in, not all of his baby teeth fell out. I have tried to reassure him that he will still be quite manly without his balls, but I don't know how much he believes me.
Oh well. Mr. Sushi, on the other hand, is not getting neutered (still too young), but he has really bad dandruff, and keeps itching his skin. Anyone know of any good shampoos for dogs that could help his dry skin?
I guess that is about all for now, so without further to do, here are some more questions:
1. Do you have any pets? If you do, what are their names and what kind of animals are they? (Post pictures if you have 'em
2. What was your most embarrassing moment?
3. Do you have a soul mate? If you do, how did you know she/he was it?
Have a wonderful weekend ya'll! I'll be working at the Apple store in Glendale. If you are in the area, feel free to stop by and say hi.

Last night was crazy. My friend (whom I haven't seen in forever) came out to party cause he was on spring break. After playing a round or two of squash, we met up with some beautiful ladies and went to a coffee bar where we listened to this local band play. I always like to support local musicians etc. Then we party hopped, and drank...A LOT. It was great fun. Of course, I woke up today with a splitting headache, but it was well worth it.

Sir. Carlton is going to be neutered next week. He also needs to get some teeth pulled because for some reason when his grown up teeth started to come in, not all of his baby teeth fell out. I have tried to reassure him that he will still be quite manly without his balls, but I don't know how much he believes me.

I guess that is about all for now, so without further to do, here are some more questions:
1. Do you have any pets? If you do, what are their names and what kind of animals are they? (Post pictures if you have 'em

2. What was your most embarrassing moment?
3. Do you have a soul mate? If you do, how did you know she/he was it?
Have a wonderful weekend ya'll! I'll be working at the Apple store in Glendale. If you are in the area, feel free to stop by and say hi.

I find I write better about fun shit anyway. If I wrote about any of the annoying shit going on, my journal would just be boring and the writing would likely suck, so I don't write it.
Besides, I prefer to spread the love and joy anyway!