Just started some part time work at the Apple store and I'm having a blast. So if you want any discounts, you know who to suck up to.
Sir. Carlton and Mr. Sushi have been put on some meds for parisites and upper respiratory infections (the vet is being super cautious with them), but other than that they seem to be doing just fine. Carlton is so happy that he has a little brother, and Sushi, well Sushi just loves roaming all over the apt. He's such a little explorer. New Pics will deff. be posted soon.
Last night, I hit up the Sunset Strip with some good friends. After dinner and drinks at P.F. Changs, we headed over to the Sky Bar and relaxed on the the beds. Of course more drinking commenced there and a good time was had by all.
Now, I'm chilling at the apt. and eating Indian food while I watch me some boob tube. I hope you all are having an excellent weekend!
P.S. Just out of curiosity, if you could recommend me one movie to watch, what would it be and why?

Sir. Carlton and Mr. Sushi have been put on some meds for parisites and upper respiratory infections (the vet is being super cautious with them), but other than that they seem to be doing just fine. Carlton is so happy that he has a little brother, and Sushi, well Sushi just loves roaming all over the apt. He's such a little explorer. New Pics will deff. be posted soon.

Last night, I hit up the Sunset Strip with some good friends. After dinner and drinks at P.F. Changs, we headed over to the Sky Bar and relaxed on the the beds. Of course more drinking commenced there and a good time was had by all.

Now, I'm chilling at the apt. and eating Indian food while I watch me some boob tube. I hope you all are having an excellent weekend!

P.S. Just out of curiosity, if you could recommend me one movie to watch, what would it be and why?

And thanks for the NICE email. It meant a lot to me.