- on cinemaone's page
I like the rain.
25 days of rain in March and way too many already in April..
Sadness and more sadness.
Can God really be that angry?
25 days of rain in March and way too many already in April..
Sadness and more sadness.
Can God really be that angry?
What is it with girls getting "tramp stamp tat's" huh? What is it. Don't they just know,
It should be kinda like the phrase,
"Friends don't let friends get tribal"
Holla everyone, how's you doing?
It should be kinda like the phrase,
"Friends don't let friends get tribal"
Holla everyone, how's you doing?
Just saw Belle & Sebastian at the Concourse Pavilion at 8th and Bryant. B & S rocked out of course, but the exhibition hall is for shite. REally. I do not recommend it, its long, big, difficult to see and if you're not really close, the sound is not great. I hate that type of venue unless you're willing to fight for some good ground...
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guess who is comming to san fransico for a day and a night

Who doesn't love B and S?
Panty shot fetishist
That is me summed up in one lil package.
I have a hard time there there are so many cute girls on this site, living in San Francisco, in Cali, in the U.S, in the world. Enough to make my head fall off.
I love it.
That is me summed up in one lil package.
I have a hard time there there are so many cute girls on this site, living in San Francisco, in Cali, in the U.S, in the world. Enough to make my head fall off.
I love it.
Thank you for the sweet comment on my new set!


I may be moving to San Rafael for super cheap rent and 1 mile commute to work. As compared to 1500 one bedroom and 10 mile commute which cost me lots of money.. About 110 a month on transportation fees. Thats precious money that could be spent on beautiful new bicycles.
NatTAtTat sorry I didn't call you. It was a whirlwind tour of mother, friends,...
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NatTAtTat sorry I didn't call you. It was a whirlwind tour of mother, friends,...
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This Sucks..
And everyone around is trying to be really encouraging and positive and sure, yeah, its a hard school to get into, probably the hardest in the USA.
But I am on a waiting list at number four. Which means that Four people have to say no. In the last four years two have declined.
So it doesn't look good.
UCSF is playing...
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This Sucks..
And everyone around is trying to be really encouraging and positive and sure, yeah, its a hard school to get into, probably the hardest in the USA.
But I am on a waiting list at number four. Which means that Four people have to say no. In the last four years two have declined.
So it doesn't look good.
UCSF is playing...
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I hope everything works out, bub
thank you for the lovely comment on my set though! It put a smile on my face

thank you for the lovely comment on my set though! It put a smile on my face
You were in SD and you didn't call me? We're breaking up!
Life is crazy here. Crazy crazy.
If you are my number 2 fan, who is my number 1?
Life is crazy here. Crazy crazy.
If you are my number 2 fan, who is my number 1?
At Thirty I thought I was going to turn it around. Get my ducks in a row, lose forty pounds, get the girl, finish school, etc. etc... On The Ides of March, 2005, I observed a bar fight that went bad, and somehow I was beaned with a poolball. I never saw the thrower of this hard, heavy object. I did end up with 16...
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I'm so amazed by you! You are such an inspiration to anyone with a goal.....
The slower the better with weight loss because your body adjusts easier and you appear much tighter.
Isn't funny how we Taurus' are so enamored by the physical....whether healthy or unhealthy?
Nice work on riding on the healthy side of the street. I'm working on it.....I'm also trying to get my ducks in a row...it's a very overwhelming business at times. And I'm trying to balance patience with action. Deep breaths too. I've come a long way already, in retrospect, it's just hard to see immediately.
Lately, no news has been bad news because I'm trying to focus on the positive. Finally had a breakthrough the past 24 hours....peppered with a little disappointment that in the big picture is an expensive detail of little real value.
I'll post soon!
And we are on for Coachella! We will celebrate both of our birthdays in merriment.
We have a hotel room for both days, but who
knows, I could go home Sunday night if I stay energetic and substance free or I could take my time and cruise back on Monday (aka take the day off of work)
The slower the better with weight loss because your body adjusts easier and you appear much tighter.
Isn't funny how we Taurus' are so enamored by the physical....whether healthy or unhealthy?
Nice work on riding on the healthy side of the street. I'm working on it.....I'm also trying to get my ducks in a row...it's a very overwhelming business at times. And I'm trying to balance patience with action. Deep breaths too. I've come a long way already, in retrospect, it's just hard to see immediately.
Lately, no news has been bad news because I'm trying to focus on the positive. Finally had a breakthrough the past 24 hours....peppered with a little disappointment that in the big picture is an expensive detail of little real value.
I'll post soon!
And we are on for Coachella! We will celebrate both of our birthdays in merriment.
We have a hotel room for both days, but who
knows, I could go home Sunday night if I stay energetic and substance free or I could take my time and cruise back on Monday (aka take the day off of work)
that is awesome, congrats.
Who's Coming With Me?
Who's Coming With Me?
Sorry it has taken me so long, but thank you very much for your compliments on my newest set!
Have a blast at Cochella for me!

Have a blast at Cochella for me!
Because of the huge number of comments on my latest set... You are receiving this comment late and it is the same comment that I am leaving everyone else as well. I usually try to thank everyone individually and much more personal like, but I would just never in a million years have the time to do that this time. So, I just want you to know that I appreciate that you took the time to comment on my new set. It was very wonderful of you, and I'm sorry that my return comment is so impersonal. However, if you want to stop by my page and say hello sometime, leave me an email, whatnot I'd love to chat. I am nice to everyone that is nice to me.
So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.
Doh, and I really wish I could Go!!!!
So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.

Doh, and I really wish I could Go!!!!

Who's Coming With Me?
Who's Coming With Me?
250 exactly..
Fucking 40 lbs in about 8 months..
watch out world.
220 is just around the corner.
Then 2 even and you guys will swoon.
I mean girls..
Fucking 40 lbs in about 8 months..
watch out world.
220 is just around the corner.
Then 2 even and you guys will swoon.
I mean girls..
You're so cute.
Thanks for the kind words. Made my heart swell
Thanks for the kind words. Made my heart swell

I watch ~ 100~150 films a year and wuould have to say that HUSTLE & FLOW is probably my favorite movie this year. Overlooking the fact that its about a pimp and his "bitches", its a movie about hope and love of music.
Gotta have it......
Currently though on a sadder, much sadder note, I'm watching Josie & The Pussycats...currently...
Gotta have it......
Currently though on a sadder, much sadder note, I'm watching Josie & The Pussycats...currently...
Hey, thank you so much for the sweet comment on my set! I'm really happy you enjoyed it.

thanks for the lovely comment on my new set. i had so much fun shooting it, take care

Russian river flood of 05*06
love Tea