(Edited and modified on Friday morning! I know I really should just update, but I am enjoying seeing all the purple in my Comments so I am being lazy! Thanks for indulging me, for now.)
I think Paula Abdul gave me her head cold Friday; how was your week?
Before we get started: I NEED SOME (more) TESTIMONIALS, DAMMIT! Sorry for shouting.
Thank you. Now on with the journal proper...
Part of last week I did sound for a BBC TV show called "Tabloid Tales" profiling Simon Cowell. It looked at the differences in perception of celebrity between the U.K. and the States. We interviewed tons of people, including Paula, Randy Jackson, entertainment reporters from Variety and US Weekly, and the head of alternative programming for Fox. But besides the strange tickle that manifested itself in my throat about an hour after Paula 1) hugged me hello and then 2) apologized profusely, because she had a cold (!), the oddest moment probably came when Ted Casablanca of E! hit on me - unmistakably, in front of the rest of the crew - by asking me for a massage as I was putting a mic on his chest. Not only was it very surreal, but also oddly flattering, in a way; although I'm not gay, I guess it was a compliment. (I'm told it's not: he's just a slut.)
On a more literary note, I did an interview yesterday (also for the BBC) with Alice Sebold, who wrote an interesting and controversial book called "The Lovely Bones". She was a very sweet woman and kinda reminded me of my mom, who is a fan of Alice's. Another strange moment in L.A.!
And last Sunday I did sound again for a new show on SpeedVision. It's a series that shoots occasionally; last week we shot at the Long Beach Swap Meet, today we were at the one in Pomona. Lots of fun and very cool to be paid to look at groovy cars all day!
But in one week I head to Charlotte, North Carolina to start a movie, so these fun little TV days will stop for a bit. This entry is a result of me reflecting on the fact that although the "little" jobs, like these interviews and whatnot, are not what I am really about and don't go on my resume, they are sometimes a real treat and I shouldn't take them for granted. After all, I may not be thrilled to catch a cold from a reality show host, but it still beats doing almost anything else I can think of for a living. Plus, it's always sorta cool to meet new people and share a moment...even if it involves Kleenex.
I think Paula Abdul gave me her head cold Friday; how was your week?
Before we get started: I NEED SOME (more) TESTIMONIALS, DAMMIT! Sorry for shouting.

Thank you. Now on with the journal proper...
Part of last week I did sound for a BBC TV show called "Tabloid Tales" profiling Simon Cowell. It looked at the differences in perception of celebrity between the U.K. and the States. We interviewed tons of people, including Paula, Randy Jackson, entertainment reporters from Variety and US Weekly, and the head of alternative programming for Fox. But besides the strange tickle that manifested itself in my throat about an hour after Paula 1) hugged me hello and then 2) apologized profusely, because she had a cold (!), the oddest moment probably came when Ted Casablanca of E! hit on me - unmistakably, in front of the rest of the crew - by asking me for a massage as I was putting a mic on his chest. Not only was it very surreal, but also oddly flattering, in a way; although I'm not gay, I guess it was a compliment. (I'm told it's not: he's just a slut.)
On a more literary note, I did an interview yesterday (also for the BBC) with Alice Sebold, who wrote an interesting and controversial book called "The Lovely Bones". She was a very sweet woman and kinda reminded me of my mom, who is a fan of Alice's. Another strange moment in L.A.!
And last Sunday I did sound again for a new show on SpeedVision. It's a series that shoots occasionally; last week we shot at the Long Beach Swap Meet, today we were at the one in Pomona. Lots of fun and very cool to be paid to look at groovy cars all day!
But in one week I head to Charlotte, North Carolina to start a movie, so these fun little TV days will stop for a bit. This entry is a result of me reflecting on the fact that although the "little" jobs, like these interviews and whatnot, are not what I am really about and don't go on my resume, they are sometimes a real treat and I shouldn't take them for granted. After all, I may not be thrilled to catch a cold from a reality show host, but it still beats doing almost anything else I can think of for a living. Plus, it's always sorta cool to meet new people and share a moment...even if it involves Kleenex.

(I hope that made sense, I'm tired)
Good night!!!!