"In its mea culpa, Sony said: "We recognize that the use of a dead goat was in poor taste and fell below the high standards of conduct we set ourselves."
Full article HERE.
EDITED TO ADD: Mark my words, this thing just might change some things in our culture permanently - or at least as "permanently" as possible, historically speaking - and it WILL affect the stock market beyond Sony.
"In its mea culpa, Sony said: "We recognize that the use of a dead goat was in poor taste and fell below the high standards of conduct we set ourselves."
Full article HERE.
EDITED TO ADD: Mark my words, this thing just might change some things in our culture permanently - or at least as "permanently" as possible, historically speaking - and it WILL affect the stock market beyond Sony.
But you're right, the media will use this as a condemnation of the ratings and standards of acceptance in games.
Imus was just a putz to talk shit. Aye, these are some [insert adjecdtive] here times we're living in. We really just need to get rid of the stupid people in the world. If only we could easily pick them out, but nothing gets effectively done by committee. So I guess we're stuck with the system.