So the screening was a wonderful success for us. The place was packed, the film was well-received and everyone seemed to really enjoy it, so yeah!
Makes me very happy and proud, I must say.
And as quite a few SGers were in attendance or otherwise involved in the project, I'd like to ask all of you who are they a BIG favor:
yes, we have a publicist, but our marketing efforts are very grass-roots for a film like this and I would be FOREVER indebted to those of you who were there and liked the film if you would PLEASE visit our website and write nice things about the night on our bulletin board or blog! We are being looked at by some pretty serious eyes right now and every bit of good (and honest) feedback we can get will be an enormous help to us.
(And if you didn't love it I'm not asking you to lie, but since everyone who made it that night told me afterwards that they DID like or love our little Fiona, we should be cool, yes?)
Anyway, the bulletin board link is HERE and the general blog on the homepage is located HERE, so please visit and chat it up a bit and let me owe you a BIG, BIG favor in the future!
And if you weren't there or couldn't make it but have seen the trailer and WANT to see it, or if you're one of the zillion people who have told me that they love our music or theme song, etc, please START a thread saying so!
Folks, sorry for the huge sales pitch but if you knew what I knew right now you'd be excited AND anxious, too.
Thanks and cheers and stuff!
- B
Makes me very happy and proud, I must say.

And as quite a few SGers were in attendance or otherwise involved in the project, I'd like to ask all of you who are they a BIG favor:
yes, we have a publicist, but our marketing efforts are very grass-roots for a film like this and I would be FOREVER indebted to those of you who were there and liked the film if you would PLEASE visit our website and write nice things about the night on our bulletin board or blog! We are being looked at by some pretty serious eyes right now and every bit of good (and honest) feedback we can get will be an enormous help to us.
(And if you didn't love it I'm not asking you to lie, but since everyone who made it that night told me afterwards that they DID like or love our little Fiona, we should be cool, yes?)
Anyway, the bulletin board link is HERE and the general blog on the homepage is located HERE, so please visit and chat it up a bit and let me owe you a BIG, BIG favor in the future!

And if you weren't there or couldn't make it but have seen the trailer and WANT to see it, or if you're one of the zillion people who have told me that they love our music or theme song, etc, please START a thread saying so!
Folks, sorry for the huge sales pitch but if you knew what I knew right now you'd be excited AND anxious, too.

Thanks and cheers and stuff!
- B
You'll have to forgive my flakage, but I realized on Saturday night that I had jury duty this week and was forced to cram in a ton of work on Sunday in case I got called in. Sure enough, I spent all of Tuesday downtown. Luckily I was dismissed the same day, so it could have been much, much worse.
At any rate, keep me posted of any future opportunities to view thy opus!