well hello
im sad today...
i dont know why...
i got out of bed, flat ironed my hair and thats about it...
i want to take a nap but i need to study...
this isnt studying though is it?
i want a pet!
a snuggly english bulldog would be nice...
i want to move out just so i can have a puppy...
i want to get skinny...
i want to finish school...
i want to get drunk and loud...
my drunk and loud plans got cancelled for tonight...
that is sad...
im sad today...
i dont know why...
i got out of bed, flat ironed my hair and thats about it...
i want to take a nap but i need to study...
this isnt studying though is it?
i want a pet!
a snuggly english bulldog would be nice...
i want to move out just so i can have a puppy...
i want to get skinny...
i want to finish school...
i want to get drunk and loud...
my drunk and loud plans got cancelled for tonight...
that is sad...

I've been going through the same things lately. I really want a dog. A bloodhound maybe. I've also been very depressed lately. It got bad enough that I went to a doctor and got a prescription for antidepressants. Maybe that's the easy way out, I don't know. I'm sorry you're sad. I hope things look up for you soon.