So ive been trying to do this whole healthy living thing here lately.Ive been drinking alot of organic tea twice a day,cutting out fast food and doing everything i can to relieve stress that i have.So far so only vices are coffie and smoking pot.I cannot stop drinking coffee for the life of me.any advice? With so many of my friends getting sick all the time and hearing on the news constintly about young people having heart attacks and other health problems i just want to live a full and healthy lifestyle.You only live once and i wanna take full advantage if it! Exercising is prolly the only thing i need to fit into my routine.i just like sitting on the couch watching cheesy television wayyyy too much hahaha.But yeah if anyone has any advice on healthy living i would dearly appriciate it.
damn those starbucks carmel fraps and good ass weed that i cant resist lately! xoxo

damn those starbucks carmel fraps and good ass weed that i cant resist lately! xoxo
Way to go on the health kick! And, despite several drinks, I remembered to hit you up this morning. Go me!

Um...the rest of my night turned out....really well.