Ok, so, for whatever reason, my desktop shit the bed. Unfortunately, it also had the brand new super fast cable internet. Which I can't for the life of me figure out how to install into anything else...so now I am stuck, sitting outside with my old laptop, because whatever wireless connection I am picking up isn't strong enough to actually let me go online inside...
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I had such a good weekend! My boyfriend came to visit me on Firday night, and didn't leave until Monday afternoon...it was Heaven. All weekend we just lazed around, sleeping, watching movies, going out to dinners.
All of which I am severly regretting today. I didn't do any homework. I have a test in Brazilian Portuguese on Thursday, which I am in no way prepared...
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All of which I am severly regretting today. I didn't do any homework. I have a test in Brazilian Portuguese on Thursday, which I am in no way prepared...
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I wish I could travel for the hell of it. I have often wanted to go to Europe but it costs money and the world is not like it used to be. Are you just traveling because or is there any particular reason? And why Bulgaria, if you dont mind sharing?
Pirates 2 was great. I was expecting to be wowed so I didnt list it. The first one set the bar really high so I figured I would love the sequal.
I guess it is one of those things. Just have to deal with it you know? Some people that God does not put obstacles in front of you unless your capable of handling them. Yet I am finding that to be untrue. I suspect that God may have turned his/her back to the world a long time ago.
Well cheers.
I guess it is one of those things. Just have to deal with it you know? Some people that God does not put obstacles in front of you unless your capable of handling them. Yet I am finding that to be untrue. I suspect that God may have turned his/her back to the world a long time ago.
Well cheers.
Thanks for the comment
You must have read a few of my blogs to get back to that one
Hope the piercing works out
Good weekend?

I fear...that I am never eating enough...If I don't eat 'cause I'm rarely ever hungry, what does that mean? I shouldn't eat when I'm not hungry just to feel as though it's enough, should I?
Scratch that...I am always hungry, but rarely hungry enough to really want to eat. I just hate that feeling of being so full that...well it's too much a human thing....
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Scratch that...I am always hungry, but rarely hungry enough to really want to eat. I just hate that feeling of being so full that...well it's too much a human thing....
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Adult Swim should be on just a little earlier because it prevents many younger people from going to sleep early. It is to addicting for me, if Aqua Teen is on I dont care I am watching it.
"If i could tear down the light remould it to be my friend. If i could break through the darkness and sever it's holding trend. " - Luke J Sammut
I woke up at four o'clock this morning to voices in my room. While I was still in that weird half-dream half-waking world, this for some reason didn't seem weird. The first thing I noticed...
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I woke up at four o'clock this morning to voices in my room. While I was still in that weird half-dream half-waking world, this for some reason didn't seem weird. The first thing I noticed...
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I miss my old life.
I miss doing more than sitting in my house all day...I miss the beaches and always being able to hear the sound of the waves. I miss the smell of an island. I miss hearing the fog horn in the early mornings.
I miss...my mom and dad, my dog, my boyfriend so much I can barely breathe, being able to...
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I miss doing more than sitting in my house all day...I miss the beaches and always being able to hear the sound of the waves. I miss the smell of an island. I miss hearing the fog horn in the early mornings.
I miss...my mom and dad, my dog, my boyfriend so much I can barely breathe, being able to...
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the ocean smell is pretty damn fantastic.
welcome to the neighborhood.
welcome to the neighborhood.

Drexel is in Philly. It is expensive though and I worry about costs.
you will toaly love this site anyways heres your gift basket and a roll of film please use the film ha ha ha
Those cookies look awesome.
I love Labyrinth
And I can't begin to imagine how bad you felt flushing you iPod down the loo
Talk about flushing money down the pan!