Hey, does this look alright on other peoples' computers??


Oh wow. Oh my. frown
SOoOo...Halloween came and went. And I didn't do a damn thing, for the first time...ever! *tear*
I went to Nantucket for a Halloween party in one of the bars, but forgot my ID, so I couldn't go in. So my boyfriend and I just went to his house and watched movies. I had been looking forward to that party since September I swear!! (Of course...
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Well, at least you and your man got some quality time together... we'll just look at the positive side smile My Hallowe'en was very quiet this year.
i wish i was born a man...it seems to be easier. although that could just be perspective.
i was so psyched for the halloween party, then couldn't even get into the bar 'cause i left my id at home!! it was such a waste.
I was just listening to Fallout Boy, and it made me think of Scotland. And creepy Italian boys, pizza, and that weird hostile in London. That amazing view from the London Eye, and trying to find a bookstore. I think of how I thought "I will never get used to the sense of humour most people have here." The view from Edinburgh Castle, gliding over...
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It was a loverly read. I've had a dislocated hip, and it's no fun, I don't think I'd listen to Matchbox 20 if it reminded me of that. In fact, I don't like listening to them because one of their songs was played at a close family member's funeral, and it makes me cry still frown When I hear "Singing in the Rain" it makes me think of the summer I did almost nothing else but watch The Clockwork Orange, lol.
Horses suck.
Happy Happy Birfday! Yay for 22... it's all downhill from here baby, lol. Just kidding. Your din looked yummy.

My fear of horses started at around age eleven, when my brother (who was just a toddler at the time) and I were at a mini petting zoo. We were seriously just watching the horses, not messing with them in any way. Our mom was inside the building and we were looking at animals. One of the horses leaned over the fence and took hold of my brother's hair and literally almost pulled him off the ground. Being so little, he wailed and screamed - I took him inside to our mom. I got bored being indoors, so I went back out to watch the animals. I was actually looking at a much nicer horse behind the one that went for my bro, and all of a sudden, the horse kind of rears up and tries to get me. I turned to run, but it got me by the shoulder. I was wearing a fleece sweater and a long sleeved shirt and the horse bit so hard that it split the skin. I ran indoors to my mom, in tears, saying that the horse bit me and she took me into the bathroom to have a look. I had blood running down my back. I still have a turtle-shaped scar to remember the event by. Haven't really liked them since.
Happy Birthday! smile
Three people were struck by an SUV early Sunday morning at The Muse nightclub, and two of the victims remain in critical condition at Boston area hopsitals.

The man who allegedly drove the vehicle, Roberto J. Tejada, 21, of 52 Cato Lane, fled the scene of the crime, but surrendered to police more than 12 hours later after they had identified him as the prime...
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I can't believe last night I was worried about something as insignificant as cheating on my boyfriend. Just a few hours ago, I saw three people hit by a car. It wasn't an accident.
I would be dead right now, but for some man I don't even know who risked his life to push me out of the way. I don't even remember that moment...
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shocked Woah this is so much to take in! I hope you're ok honey frown

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

The book wasn't Moby Dick but I think it was supposed to be a true story of it. 'In the heart of the sea' it was called.

Oh my goodness. I'm glad that you're okay, physically. Stuff like that can really stick with you, change your life forever. It is amazing how the actions of one person can affect so many people. I think of how lucky you are, and how lucky your family is to still have you around, all thanks to that one man. Amazing. Again, I'm really really glad you're okay smile kiss

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

I was going to write something cute in response to your comment on my blog the other day, something along the lines of "so where's the group here at SG for those scared-to-death of horses" but that somehow seems inappropriate now. Hope it maybe made you smile, if only a little.

Back on Nantucket for the weekend.
The boat ride over here was so long that I did homework for three classes, and made up some I was behind on in Psych.
Eddy is coming back to Nantucket this weekend too, because he and the crew he works with are done with the house they were painting on the mainland. I talked to him last night,...
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Nantucket? I read a novel on whaling which was based in Nantucket I think?
And I did see Edinburgh Castle from town but I never went round it tongue Too busy drinking! smile