My birthday
As of tomorrow, at 4:20 AM, (yes 4:20 AM, no I am not joking, yes I know what this implies, blah blah) I will finally be leaving 21 behind. We celebrated last night, because I have class tomorrow and have to be on the boat early...random pics!
(they're bad quality as alll I have it my camera phone.)

The dinner my mom made me!

hah I don't know who she was threatening.

I also don't know what is happening here.

My friend and I have the same phone. (We're the only two people on island, I think!) Ain't she beautiful?

REALLY hard to see picture of the cakes my friends made me.

Yummy shot the bartender made me!

It was decimated.

And somehow, my belt was broken.
And that's like the few random pictures I took. Wooooo.
As of tomorrow, at 4:20 AM, (yes 4:20 AM, no I am not joking, yes I know what this implies, blah blah) I will finally be leaving 21 behind. We celebrated last night, because I have class tomorrow and have to be on the boat early...random pics!
(they're bad quality as alll I have it my camera phone.)

The dinner my mom made me!

hah I don't know who she was threatening.

I also don't know what is happening here.

My friend and I have the same phone. (We're the only two people on island, I think!) Ain't she beautiful?

REALLY hard to see picture of the cakes my friends made me.

Yummy shot the bartender made me!

It was decimated.

And somehow, my belt was broken.
And that's like the few random pictures I took. Wooooo.
My fear of horses started at around age eleven, when my brother (who was just a toddler at the time) and I were at a mini petting zoo. We were seriously just watching the horses, not messing with them in any way. Our mom was inside the building and we were looking at animals. One of the horses leaned over the fence and took hold of my brother's hair and literally almost pulled him off the ground. Being so little, he wailed and screamed - I took him inside to our mom. I got bored being indoors, so I went back out to watch the animals. I was actually looking at a much nicer horse behind the one that went for my bro, and all of a sudden, the horse kind of rears up and tries to get me. I turned to run, but it got me by the shoulder. I was wearing a fleece sweater and a long sleeved shirt and the horse bit so hard that it split the skin. I ran indoors to my mom, in tears, saying that the horse bit me and she took me into the bathroom to have a look. I had blood running down my back. I still have a turtle-shaped scar to remember the event by. Haven't really liked them since.