I had my first Brazilian Portuguese test today, and I got...85%!! I am so psyched, this stuff is sooo hard!!
The Boy in the Pirate's Hat
Nantucket is not very ripe with people who are unique. I have traveled a bit, and met a few people that stand out in my mind. Ironically, however, I met the person on whom this essay will be based in Nantucket High School. His name is David. So many things about David stand out to me, and it's going to be very hard to narrow it down to a few choice characteristics.
David was a military brat. At a young age, he learned that tinfoil is the one thing that the x-ray machine he had to pass through on a daily bases couldn't penetrate. I have since derived that he has an unnatural obsession with the stuff. In fact, it is the first word he ever said to me, when we were passing one day between classes. It would be one of the only words exchanged between us for most of the year. The first time I asked him about this, he said that's what the hat he wore every night was made of. It kept out the alien probes, apparently.
A pirate's hat, red sunglasses, and a baggy brown sweatshirt are his uniform. David has never embraced the concept of wearing a belt, which doesn't always lead to the most pleasant of views - especially when riding behind him on a bike. He is in constant companion with a skateboard I have never seen him ride. His walk is the most feminine swagger one could imagine, and it's not unusual for him to mutter "argh" every few words.
For many years, I had a great distaste for David. He seemed too eclectic and attention-deficit for me. It wasn't until after I graduated, and started working at Stop & Shop, that I really got to know David. Over the next three years, we discovered that we had much the same tastes, and in some distant way were cousins - or so his brother told us. I believe it was our mutual enmity for something as evil as the Stop & Shop corporation that really cemented our friendship.
This boy's diet is unique. It consists mainly of what is deep fried, alcoholic, or smoke-related. I think he drinks more beer then any human should ever survive. Yet I have never seen him drunk.
It's a blessing to have someone in my life like David. His complete disregard for convention,
and total lack of caring about the stares he receives on a daily basis, has taught me a valuable
lesson. He embraces life. David has taught me to just forget about what people think, to just
have fun and go through life with a smile on my face.
Hahaha mindless self-indulgence.

And this is the boy in the pirate's hat:

Are you tired of those sissy-ass "friendship" poems that always
sound good, but never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a
series of promises that actually speak of true friendship:
When you are sad -- I will help you get drunk and
plot revenge against the sorry bastard who made you sad.
When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever
is choking you.
When you smile -- I will know you finally got laid.
When you are scared -- I will try to calm your nerves,
unless it is something silly then I will rag on you about it every
chance I get.
When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible
stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining.
When you are confused I will use little words.
When you are sick -- Stay the hell away from me
until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.
When you fall -- I will p oint and laugh at your
clumsy ass, but then I will help you get up.
This is my oath..... I pledge it to the end. "Why?"
you may ask; "Because you are my friend".
Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth.
Adult Swim should be on just a little earlier because it prevents many younger people from going to sleep early. It is to addicting for me, if Aqua Teen is on I dont care I am watching it.