joined weight watchers...whooo hooo...i've gained wayyy too much in the past 9 months.
Soo I haven't been on in awhile. A long while.
School and work and pregnancy took up a lot of time.

I had a wonderful pregnancy. Morning sickness in the beginning, but other than that I felt great.
We found out when I was 5 months that she was a girl. The happiness I felt at during my two ultrasounds, watching my baby move was...
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Oh! I'm so sorry frown That must've been the hardest thing to go through.... I wish I knew what to say. If you EVER want to talk, I'm always around.
It's official...I'm pregnant.
The first thing I did was e-mail a midwife I know on Nantucket. This lady has known me since before I was born, she used to watch my brother and I when my mom was working. Ever since I can remember, a home birth was what I wanted to do should I ever have a baby...I have never been fond of hospital...
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Soooo, how's it going?
I just sorted stumbled to your profile, but I read the blog post. I just wanted to Congratulations! I wish you and your family and beautiful and happy future.
I took a pregnancy test yesterday, and it was negative. I took the other one today, but wasn't expecting anything different.
But it was positive...which really confused the shit out of me.
So I went to the nearest pharmacist and asked how accurate it was. She said 99%, it's extremely rare to have a false negative.
I asked why it would be negative yesterday, and...
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Best of luck on the outcome of the test...both the final and the life changing one

he's got it right:
watch the war on christmas!

xmas: america's way of saying: "have a merry anything but christmas."
this xmas, let's get rid of the 'x' and bring back the 'jesus'. (jesusmas?!)

aaand a few months early buuuut check this out...
cupid's last stand
The dog in the picture is one of the one's up for adoption - he's about two years old, completely deaf, and a bit of a trouble-maker. I'm not 100% on the name of his breed, but I do know that it's part of the mastif family.

Bear is 13, and he's a fairly big dog - and big old dogs tend not too live very long. The fact that he's made it to thirteen is actually kind of surprising to some. To look at him you'd never guess that he's an old guy - he is very playful and runs circles around my 7 year old lab. He takes no medication and is healthy and strong. Bear *is* kind of stinky though, as many old dogs are, just bad breath and bad farts. Plus, he sheds a ton. Aside from that he's great smile
I want a pb&j!!! and domino's pizza...and olives!! moving back hoooome in a week!! smile
- - - - -
got this from yackon.com, nantucket website:

Chemistry Exam Question

The following is supposedly an actual question given on a University of Washington
chemistry mid-term.

Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic
(absorbs heat)?

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using...
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I could go for Skittles (a big bag), Miss Vickie's Honey Roasted Garlic Potato Chips, and maybe some chocolate milk.

You know, my mom sent me that Hell article too. Interesting. Funny.

People wanting attention in a baaad way write graffiti like that, that's who.

My dog's favourite roll-in tends to be horse manure, though I imagine deer would be far worse. Stinky, all the same.
Oh, God! Ants are even worse! We've probably got 50 baits set up around our place. I want a pb&j too.
There were two bomb threats in my hometown.

Crazy. Not too near to you, I hope.

That is a wicked-cute baby smile
i don't like this new layout of SG...

goal for next semester: raise current 3.15 GPA to 3.5, get on dean's list, don't drop a single class. I neeeeeeeeeed to transfer into a good school, and hopefully spend a few months at the American University of Bulgaria. I already have the GPA for the AUBG thing, but I want a few more credits under my...
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sooooo i randomly took a test the other day, and it told me some of my eating habits resemble those of an annorexic, but considering my weight ('cause, i'm like, wicked fat) it said i am not.
now, i know i am not an annorexic. but i think it is horrible that this test just dismissed the possibility because of weight. i am not asking...
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Good luck with going Vegan... I don't have the temperment, myself. My diet seems super boring these days - the only meats I eat are chicken and turkey (I gave up pork and red meat long time ago).

I think I would be sad if Bear got adopted, but then I'd be happy for him at the same time. Plus, I could open my home again to another animal in need smile
I have stupid dial up and can't watch everyone's cool YouTube clips - darnit.