Hey you. You're missed like crazy around here. The rescue received 50 cats and kittens last weekend - all from one house!!! Eeeeyuck. We might be taking in one of the pregnant momma cats, there are just so many! Poor little dears. Hope you're well.
Well, usually for the oatmeal I just put a little bit of hot water in with some quick oats in a bowl as I'm putting everything else in the smoothie and then I dump the oatmeal in last so it's had a bit of a chance to soften up. It adds a really nice bit of warmth (no brain freeze, yeah!) and some grittiness and creaminess to the smoothie.
What coffee place on the Drive do you mean?
Breakfast - try Cafe Deux Soleil on the Drive - they've got a fantastic tofu scramble and I go there every time I can convince someone else to come with me!
Earplugs at concerts are a rrreeeally good idea. I've had many times when I wish I'd remembered to do so!
What coffee place on the Drive do you mean?
Breakfast - try Cafe Deux Soleil on the Drive - they've got a fantastic tofu scramble and I go there every time I can convince someone else to come with me!
Earplugs at concerts are a rrreeeally good idea. I've had many times when I wish I'd remembered to do so!