so my roommates and i are having a party in two weeks, wanna know what the theme is.... drum roll please... dudududududududududud - EDWARD 40 HANDS!!! when people enter our apartment their hands will be taped to a 40oz. beer. guys get each hand taped, girls get both to one. fun right? they have to drink to free them. no eating, no bathroom, no scratching - should be tons of fun. i just hope everyobdy goes through with it. well i wrote a new song today.... freakin love it! too bad i can't sing a lick. well really sing. hmmm... what else, i wanna have sex. i mean who doesn't. oh, i saw underworld evolution - just a really fuckin cool movie. if you don't look to deep. but way fuckin cool! kate beckinsale looks amazing. her husband (the director) definetly knows how to film her. amazing lighting.
okay more later. p.s. for anyone new i have a new pic of me in a sock. thats it, a sock. why am i telling, well cause i am kinda turned on by the idea of people i don't know seeing me like that. ENJOY!
I think your party theme is cool, but what about the ppl that don't like beer?
And I dont go to parties much but that sounds like fun.