so the second day of understanding and discoverying this website. got two comments already, quite fun. lots of interesting things here to find out. so my new years eve plans fell threw cause my friend is a prick. won't bore you with the lame details... so what to do... hmmmm.... don't know. maybe just me, a bottle of champagne and the tv? it is amazing how quiet the subway cars are in the morning. at least 80-100 in one car and it is silent (except for the music coming from peoples head phone ((which obviously are plugged into an ipod... obviously.)) or maybe they just bought white earplugs so it looks like they are using an ipod when in actuality they are rockin a discman larger enough to hit someone and kill them with it.) anyway people just need their time to decompress before work. we aren't driving in cars by ourselves, contemplating the day ahead or the troubles behind. i wonder what would happen if i just started screaming. someone would prob give me a dollar thinking i'm crazy or just tell me to shut the fuck up. anyway i brought fellini's 8 1/2 to watch today. its amazing writing something that no one could possibly read. the dread of any philosopher i believe... no wait... philosophize. HA! later...
I actually didn't cut my hair. I just kinda put it up so that I could see. I do wish I had the guts to cut it though... and yea- that quote from the tattoo is from a poem called, "The owl and the lightning" by Martin Espada. It kind of encompasses by beliefs; about life, religion, etc. Anyways- welcome to the site
I'm pretty new myself.
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