This year, after 4 years of helping with the promo, I decided to take on the role as the promo captain and I am super happy with how it went yesterday @blackheartburlesque @missy @sean @rambo
It was rad being recognized and representing SG together with my babes!
I still remember my first time watching the show, nearly 4 years ago in Philadelphia. I went out to promote the show together with @falyne at the Uproar festival that year. I have been part of the promo team as well as helping out at Hell City (2015) ever since. I did find an old pic of my very first promo :) much less ink and such cute baby faces hehe
Had a blast with my babes @gaiah @jinxxy and Lucille <3 Thanks for helping and being so wonderful! I love you!
Hope to see you all on the @blackheartburlesque show in Santa Cruz on the 14th of November.
Get your tickets here: Tickets