Blockbuster is a bust. I didn't get past the automated online application. Apparently I failed the "personality test" so it never even got to a human being.
New job prospect on the horizon. City Buddha is opening a new store on Coventry. As I understand it, they're kind of like a World Market. Without the food. And replacing yuppies with artsy types.
I've recently watched: House of a Thousand Corpses and Devil's Rejects (both for the second time... Rejects holds up, House not as much... you can really see Rob Zombie's growth from the first to the second), Paper Moon (I have a suspicion both The Professional and O Brother Where Art Thou owe a debt to this film), and half of I <3 Huckabees, which is okay so far.
Also, a week and a half til I see my girlfriend.
The awful weather has broken for a day. It's actually sunny out. It's actually not raining. So now I have to mow the lawn while I have the opportunity. Bon chance!
Five most recent tracks:
Last week's five most played artists:
Currently reading: Psychosis and Spirituality, The New World Order, The Zombie Survival Guide, Irving's A Widow for One Year, David Ives
Current project: Acting, sound designing, dramaturging Some Things You Need to Know Before the World Ends (A Final Evening with the Illuminati)
New job prospect on the horizon. City Buddha is opening a new store on Coventry. As I understand it, they're kind of like a World Market. Without the food. And replacing yuppies with artsy types.
I've recently watched: House of a Thousand Corpses and Devil's Rejects (both for the second time... Rejects holds up, House not as much... you can really see Rob Zombie's growth from the first to the second), Paper Moon (I have a suspicion both The Professional and O Brother Where Art Thou owe a debt to this film), and half of I <3 Huckabees, which is okay so far.
Also, a week and a half til I see my girlfriend.
The awful weather has broken for a day. It's actually sunny out. It's actually not raining. So now I have to mow the lawn while I have the opportunity. Bon chance!
Five most recent tracks:

Last week's five most played artists:

Currently reading: Psychosis and Spirituality, The New World Order, The Zombie Survival Guide, Irving's A Widow for One Year, David Ives
Current project: Acting, sound designing, dramaturging Some Things You Need to Know Before the World Ends (A Final Evening with the Illuminati)