So, super day yesterday.
Granted, I took yesterday off to go to an Alkaline Trio show the ended up being sold out (which cut me deeply), but I still had a Friday off, and that hasn't happened for as long as I can remember.
I didn't wake up until after 3 in the afternoon. I would have been up much earlier if it weren't for the coma-inducing beer/liquor/benadryl cocktail I had the night before. Damn cats.
Cypris, Greasin56 and I went to Coventry. Our first stop was Big Fun, so I could get my rawkin t-shirt.
You know I gotta represent when I move to Phoenix. *nods*
This is also where we took these:
Then, we went to dinner at Tommy's. Mmmmm... I don't know what I'm gonna do without this place. It's the friggin' best.
We trolled around a bit. I bought some hair dye, etc, then we drove home and went to Arabica for some coffee.
We went our own ways after that. They went to do... whatever it is they do when I'm not around (hehe) and I drove to Madison to visit my friend of 14 years, Zack.
A little about Zack. Zack is probably the only one of my super close friends over the years that hasn't totally betrayed me. When we were kids, my parents were sure we'd end up getting married some day. It used to make me cry, just how much I loved him. Don't mistake me, though. We've never dated or anything, we just have this wonderful bond.
Our paths have gone in opposite directions over the years, but always end up intersecting again. I can go years without seeing him, but still feel completely and totally comfortable with him the next time we're together.
It was awesome just to see him and talk to him. Of course, as great as it was, it made me all sad and crap because I could have spent so much more time with him than I have, and now I'm leaving. Seems as though he's just another amazing person in my life that I've taken for granted.
Oh, and Patrick, I miss you. Yeah, I said it!
Granted, I took yesterday off to go to an Alkaline Trio show the ended up being sold out (which cut me deeply), but I still had a Friday off, and that hasn't happened for as long as I can remember.
I didn't wake up until after 3 in the afternoon. I would have been up much earlier if it weren't for the coma-inducing beer/liquor/benadryl cocktail I had the night before. Damn cats.
Cypris, Greasin56 and I went to Coventry. Our first stop was Big Fun, so I could get my rawkin t-shirt.

You know I gotta represent when I move to Phoenix. *nods*
This is also where we took these:

Then, we went to dinner at Tommy's. Mmmmm... I don't know what I'm gonna do without this place. It's the friggin' best.
We trolled around a bit. I bought some hair dye, etc, then we drove home and went to Arabica for some coffee.
We went our own ways after that. They went to do... whatever it is they do when I'm not around (hehe) and I drove to Madison to visit my friend of 14 years, Zack.
A little about Zack. Zack is probably the only one of my super close friends over the years that hasn't totally betrayed me. When we were kids, my parents were sure we'd end up getting married some day. It used to make me cry, just how much I loved him. Don't mistake me, though. We've never dated or anything, we just have this wonderful bond.
Our paths have gone in opposite directions over the years, but always end up intersecting again. I can go years without seeing him, but still feel completely and totally comfortable with him the next time we're together.
It was awesome just to see him and talk to him. Of course, as great as it was, it made me all sad and crap because I could have spent so much more time with him than I have, and now I'm leaving. Seems as though he's just another amazing person in my life that I've taken for granted.
Oh, and Patrick, I miss you. Yeah, I said it!
Don't feel bad for taking people for granted. That's what friends are for. When you think of it, just be sure to tell them how you love them and appreciate them. That's all people want, is a little recognition and appreciation from time to time. Just show some love.
Have a great weekend beautiful!
You all should make a road trip down to Columbus sometime for one of our get-togethers.