It's journal updating time again.
I had a great weekend! I went to my friends the Electrocult's c.d release party. They put on a really good show and I got to dress up and get drunk and be semi-social. Next I got to go to Thaifoon (ha ha clever play on words) the new Thai restaurant here in town. It was quite delightful. I had the yellow Thai curry as pictured below.
Then I had the pleasure of attending a one night only viewing of Lucio Fulci's Zombie 2. In it's original uncut glory. It was gory and amazing to see on the big screen, hooray for those crazy Italian's I love you guys. All in all my weekend was delightful. Today was a little weird though cause I was riding my bike on the side walk and saw this guy walk out from a building directly into my path, so knowing it is impolite to ride on the sidewalk in the first place I dismounted my bike and started walking it. But then the guy just stood there and looked at me like he had used his own super powers to force me off my bike. I quickly realized he was completely nuts. He followed me over to where I was locking up my bike and stood there watching me and smiling like we were long lost buddies. Then he winked and waved and kept walking. I have never seen this man before in my life. Weird. And also I went into Starb***'s I hate to admit it but I did and I would just like to point out the whole idiocy surrounding bringing your lap top to a coffee shop. To indirectly quote Vice Magazine: "you don't get Internet here so the only things you could be working on are: very loose fiction, or photoshopping your dog onto a 1950's hot rod. All those things are fucking gay, and you should be doing them at home. Literally fuck off."

I had a great weekend! I went to my friends the Electrocult's c.d release party. They put on a really good show and I got to dress up and get drunk and be semi-social. Next I got to go to Thaifoon (ha ha clever play on words) the new Thai restaurant here in town. It was quite delightful. I had the yellow Thai curry as pictured below.
Then I had the pleasure of attending a one night only viewing of Lucio Fulci's Zombie 2. In it's original uncut glory. It was gory and amazing to see on the big screen, hooray for those crazy Italian's I love you guys. All in all my weekend was delightful. Today was a little weird though cause I was riding my bike on the side walk and saw this guy walk out from a building directly into my path, so knowing it is impolite to ride on the sidewalk in the first place I dismounted my bike and started walking it. But then the guy just stood there and looked at me like he had used his own super powers to force me off my bike. I quickly realized he was completely nuts. He followed me over to where I was locking up my bike and stood there watching me and smiling like we were long lost buddies. Then he winked and waved and kept walking. I have never seen this man before in my life. Weird. And also I went into Starb***'s I hate to admit it but I did and I would just like to point out the whole idiocy surrounding bringing your lap top to a coffee shop. To indirectly quote Vice Magazine: "you don't get Internet here so the only things you could be working on are: very loose fiction, or photoshopping your dog onto a 1950's hot rod. All those things are fucking gay, and you should be doing them at home. Literally fuck off."

In regards to the weekend, I really have no clue and usually don't until the Saturday afternoon. I like to fly by the seat of my pants for the most part. I'll let you know somehow if I'll be in London.
People are weird, there is this weird guy who goes into my shop almost everyday and stares at himself in the mirror then waves. He is mental and told my assistant i am his girlfriend (the man is a crazy homeless guy), that i am native american and can see things with my blue eyes (eh, yeah right, i am german, no magical powers here)
can't wait for your set to go up also.
take care