Oh George double ya ( W), you are something else!
I am currently enjoying the company of my good friend Mike. He is down from Montreal for a few days. We spent the entire afternoon in our pajama's eating Borscht and watching Bad Boy Bubby, which I must say is one of the most fucked up movies I have ever personally viewed....holy fuck. If any of you are into deranged cinema I highly recommend this film. Although the residual effects on your Psyche might be intensive. Last night Mike had a kidney stone so I loaded him up on drugs, since if any gets sick at my house I have everything necessary to cure them. Cortisone enema, codeine, and phenazo a deadly combo to help pass a stone. Worked like a charm Mike is up and about good as new drinkin beer. I am a healer what can I say. In closing if anyone needs medical attention feel free to contact me. I will cure all your ills.


I dressed her, armed her, and photographed her. The Action Figure is from Japan.