Hello all interested parties,
My life has slipped into a state of extreme complacency lately. I suppose my brain has switched over to auto pilot lest I go on a murdering spree. Did I mention I hate leaving the house lately.....well I do. And I have an ellipses fetish as well so deal with it my babies. My Beyer Dynamics are finally getting fixed, so I can finish recording hooray.
I watched the Road To Wellville last night, completely fucked up. It definitely painted a much nicer portrait of Dr.Kellogg than I would have. Masturbation is all some people have, you can't take that shit away. Boo. Well I would say the best part of the movie was seeing Laura Flynn Boyle tits. She wasn't nearly as emaciated as she is now a days in this particular film. I miss the Twin Peaks days for sure, pardon the pun.
I am entering this in the photoshop September contest. The theme is like a fractured fairy tale type thing. It is based on "The Company Of Wolves"/Red Riding hood.
It is supposed to look like a water color story book page.
let me know what you think of it....please.
original photo by Dana Brushette

My life has slipped into a state of extreme complacency lately. I suppose my brain has switched over to auto pilot lest I go on a murdering spree. Did I mention I hate leaving the house lately.....well I do. And I have an ellipses fetish as well so deal with it my babies. My Beyer Dynamics are finally getting fixed, so I can finish recording hooray.
I watched the Road To Wellville last night, completely fucked up. It definitely painted a much nicer portrait of Dr.Kellogg than I would have. Masturbation is all some people have, you can't take that shit away. Boo. Well I would say the best part of the movie was seeing Laura Flynn Boyle tits. She wasn't nearly as emaciated as she is now a days in this particular film. I miss the Twin Peaks days for sure, pardon the pun.
I am entering this in the photoshop September contest. The theme is like a fractured fairy tale type thing. It is based on "The Company Of Wolves"/Red Riding hood.
It is supposed to look like a water color story book page.
let me know what you think of it....please.
original photo by Dana Brushette

I am liking your plan, so where we going to move to
Yes, that shirt is awesome. I've seen you on here before and always thought you were absolutely beautiful. I hope your set goes up soon. Thanks for the comment on mine.