Enjoy my 70's porno style photo. There should be roses somewhere in this picture for schiz. So today stream of consciousness, lets see I just worked out which I have been neglecting for several months. But I am fearful of my muscles atrophying from lack of exertion. I am having a huge late size mug of coffee so I can be wired for sound for the rest of the afternoon and what else? Oh yes I am going to try and finish my sculpture....finally. I am such a procrastinating asshole sometimes. What are everyone's plans for the weekend? I am going to see what appears to be the worlds most horrifically cheesy (not in a good way either) band. Should be good for a laugh or two anyway. See picture below. Eeew tanned goths what an interesting dichotomy.

The working out thing is funny with me. I have not worked out in a LONG time. I'll get started and go a couple of times, then completely space it and get ultra lazy. Thank god I don't have one of those really slow metabolisms-- I would be so out of shape.
As far as my liver, lungs, and other related organs, though... well, who knows?
That band looks extremely ridiculous. I'm sure I would have enjoyed the show. Fill me in.
When I first looked at that band pic, I thought it was a Halloweeners dressed up as Motley Crue and Pamela Anderson. Then I thought, "hey, why would Nikki Sixx wear goth makeup and a goatee? I hope that band wasn't a waste of your time. From my experience, band names with the words, "forever," "embrace," "eternal," and others are most likely black holes of that suck nights out of people's lives.