How do people keep up with these FN things? I remember to check in on this blog thing like...3 times a year. I guess it's like trying to keep a diary...why? I live in my head, writing it down just seems redundant. I suppose it would be easier to passively let others read your thoughts. This whole online thing helps facilitate conversation problems involved with having to stare at someone while you try to listen to them talk. You wouldn't have to constantly try not to imagine fucking them or running away as soon as they stop talking...but then there's the pics people post and your back to number one. Whoa this is uplifting...maybe I should go to bed. I never got into this blogging crap...gotta be pretty bored.......................whoa hey shiny. What the fuck is going on with all these cutesy little faces. This is funny. I guess you just get too lazy to type PUKING and just click on
I wonder how much time should really be spent doing this pointless task....looking at pretty nakedness feels more productive.

I wonder how much time should really be spent doing this pointless task....looking at pretty nakedness feels more productive.