boob job =] hahahaha
I would just like to start off and say if you were one of my OLD friends..aka one of the people i got into it with this weekend..i would like you to know that i am NOT sorry for anything i said. if anything i honestly feel like you should be sorry for not being a good friend and understanding..im sorry but i dont have time for everyone..hell i dont even have time for myself..i like my alone time a lottttt. every bridge ive ever crossed i have built and that gives me the right to burn that mother fucker to the ground
im in shock by the way.. i am not supposed to feel like this already..fuck its so out of character for me..i dont even know whats going on with me..i have such a good feeling about it though. im a very happy girl
yippeeee haha.
im officially addicted to exercising..but thats good right? haha
and ive watched every episode of the l word..now what am i supposed to watch?

amy and i making stupid faces

pooommmmmm yummy
Me too.