i need to fix my decapitated gloomy =[
i need to stop taking naps because then i stay up all night and have to be awake for work at 5 am...stupid stupid me..
im listening to def leppard right now..they always make me feel better
about to read some more of my jenna jameson book..its so good
i leave for cali in like 8 days...cant wait to be with my cap'n for a few days
ive been going through hell lately when it comes to psycho guys..i dont know whats going on lately..is it just me or do guys really go crazy when you start talking to someone...wtf?!?!
stalking..breaking in..leaving creepy ass shit around that freaks me and the bestie out...get the point please..youre scaring the shit out of me..will have a gun by my bed soon
dude at work freaked out and lost it and told everyone that i fucked him for $200..god damnit i better be worth more than that..and he goes you sell it online what the fuck is the difference? haha seriously?!?! and everyone i work with goes..i dont know which is worse..that you would make up such a horrible lie..or that you would admit to paying someone for sex hahahahaha oh jesus i hope he gets fired soon
my mommy called me asking if i would buy her a phone..i told her i couldnt..she asked if id take her money..i have such a hard time telling her no..im a little broke because of her at the moment..i wish i knew how to tell her no..she needs to get clean..she doesnt really have any bills..other than electric and water..so that means theres only one place that the money is going...i hate watching her go down hill...she asked me if she could move in with me this winter to get away..i had to tell her no...i cant afford the heartache and pain she puts on me..i cant afford to have her steal everything i have worked so hard for again..i just cant do it..and i feel so bad for her..but she did this to herself right?

last picture i have with her..damn its so old..i miss her when things were like this..when her bf didnt exist and she was clean
On a lighter note, I may put in an order for some more of your necklaces!