his sailor, come tomorrow...sooooo very excited
cant wait until 7:31 oh my goodness hahaha
im all moved into my new apartment..and i love it!..
its much more meee..my condo was too high class haha
im so ready for my table to get here and i wanna buy a new tv..then its all done
this weekend is going to be so good.
i just know it...plus my fortune cookie told me so
blahhhhs while i was moving i found a bunch of old pictures
they always make me laugh
i wish i didnt remember this day but its a day ill never forget =/
anyways im 15 here..hahaha

share an old picture and a story from that day with me
Awesome sailor hat by the way, I've always wanted.
It's one of three hats I've always wanted to get:
1) A top hat
2) A gentleman's hat
3) A sailor hat