o0o0o ive been a zombiie lately!! Just started school again everday 9-5 and then work from 9-3ish its such a joy to get 4-5 hours of sleep a niight...NOT! lol thank god 4 Redbull and tasty snacks to get me through-out my day...My Bday was last week also which was pretty much the best bday ever: ) 3 drunken birthday parties with my closest friend and wifey for lifey + others, those i did not see Shame on you. anyyyyyyyyways Rock on.
p.s i really need a new set i think it just hit me when i looked at my last set which was 2 years ago LOL im now brunette got myself a few more tatts id say and of course my 2 new bestfriends ; )
pps random pic update time yay go team super lame.
love love.

my gay self

i think im cool apparently

me trying to get some use outtta my new snow attire .... ew snow.

and me doing what i do best........DRANKEN
p.s i really need a new set i think it just hit me when i looked at my last set which was 2 years ago LOL im now brunette got myself a few more tatts id say and of course my 2 new bestfriends ; )
pps random pic update time yay go team super lame.
love love.

my gay self

i think im cool apparently

me trying to get some use outtta my new snow attire .... ew snow.

and me doing what i do best........DRANKEN
Your life sounds like mine, just that you're doing school and partying, and i'm just working.
Keep on trucking, you're having a blast!! Those first two shots are great, new sets are required now!! 

yes you do! please do! in all honesty you were more than perfect without your two new best friends imho! however, the additions do look swell! :3