Had a pretty cool weekend out in Bristol on Friday and Saturday which is unsual as 2 days on the piss is hard work now hahha
In one of the pubs in Clifton I spotted 2 celebs (sort of) the first being Norman Eshley the Dad out of George and Mildred the comedy sitcom from the 70's and various other TV shows since...

And the second was Sam Mason a news reader from the 90's - god knows what she does but things didnt look rosy...shame as she was always bubbly on the TV

Weird night for sure
In one of the pubs in Clifton I spotted 2 celebs (sort of) the first being Norman Eshley the Dad out of George and Mildred the comedy sitcom from the 70's and various other TV shows since...

And the second was Sam Mason a news reader from the 90's - god knows what she does but things didnt look rosy...shame as she was always bubbly on the TV

Weird night for sure

What crazy bar were you in?! I went to The Cooler on Friday night and all I saw were students vomitting. Bad times, bad times...
Strange was an understatement